Nubelle's Comments

Heh... yep, still creepy and scary... even though I feel sorry for her... eekk. I do love how much detail you put in to this though, it makes it really interesting, even though I find her a little too much~xD But somehow it's good that she is too much? Makes me realize just how twisted this company she is part of is!

I really feel for Nubelle because I think her sanity is probably broken, and like you said, it shows how twisted the company is that they try and profit off of her broken mind instead of helping her. She's a character I really like, but I could never tell this story from her perspective because she's just too much! No one would be able to relate to her as a main character, she's too messed up.

yeah, I get that... I have a story where the main character is really the secondary one, because I knew people just could not relate to him... If I ever tell the story I have to start half way though the real one, so that I can have a semi sane character as the main... I might never tell it anyway, it's a bit more dismal and violent then the messages I like to spread..;A; Maybe I could share it on a small scale though, like posting some of it to to the characters profile, I did list them as NSFW~xD

I do think Nubelle dose a great job of really setting the scene though, without her I couldn't be quite as horrified by how the company functions, because even though it's already horrible, she just make it spill over the edge! I do feel sorry for her, and I agree that I sort of like her, despite being creeped out.

Ahh, the troubles writers have. I do wonder if I would ever publish this story. Lately I've been thinking a lot about it (hence their finished bios) and I do want to write it. But I feel like it might be uncomfortable to read?

I'm really glad you think Nubelle adds to the story. <3 Even though she is very creepy... I love her.

Hmmm, I think it would be fine as a published story. their are many stories that have much worse content, and I always find you do a good job of making it seem real with out going overboard the way many writers do, so I think you could really pull it off~ :) Even I find I'm interested in the ideas behind this story, and I'm a pretty hard sell for reading stories with these sorts of themes~

I can defiantly understand why~ :)

wow, she is creepy, but somehow cool and cute anyway? I could never watch her show though~ EVER! xD

Yeah, I might watch it out of curiosity?? I'd probably be scarred for life though xD

heh, I would be tempted.. but I would never do it~xD Even a lot of scary movies give my nightmares~xD