
A tan wolf/german shepard mix with glowing purple markings.

She has a hard time trusting others and goes out of her way to keep to herself. If she runs into others she'll act friendly enough at first, but at the first slightest hint that they're untrustworthy she'll snap, becoming harsh and angry. Even if you never manage to set her off, she'll push you away or perhaps just disappear without a goodbye, heading back to her lone wolf lifestyle.

She used to be in an underground high-end dog fighting ring where genetic enhancements were common, either to make a more formidable foe, or just to make the fight more interesting by giving it some flare. She was bred specifically as a wolfdog, and was genetically altered to have her bioluminescent markings. She also has a particularly thick hyde to protect her from bites, and slighter fast healing abilities.
She spent years fighting in the ring, losing every single fight, but surviving thanks to her genetically enhanced endurance. Finally she had had enough, and pretended to be dead in the hope that they would finally stop fighting her. She escaped when her owner dumped her "body" and has been struggling to survive on her own ever since.

Original description:

Species: Wolf German Shepard Mix
Gender: Female
Personality: Her looks are quite deceptive. At first glance she may look like the  friendly type, but she is actually easily angered, and not afraid to rip  your head off if you do something to piss her off.
History: She keeps most of her history to herself, so all anybody knows is that  she was involved in some dog fighting, but escaped that quite a while  ago.
Home: She acts more  wolf than dog, and travels around a lot, but she usually sticks to  heavily wooded areas, preferring the cover of the trees.
Extra Note: Her purple markings glow.

Color Palette:

  • Body #f5e9ae
  • Markings #c4b0e5