Xiao Xiyang



1 year, 10 months ago


Current Worth: $494

Born into a demonic cult, he was raised to be a sacrifice. Not even given a name, he was thrown into the dungeons and shackled to a wall. As he grew older, the torture grew worse too. From beatings to whippings, the boy's life was hell.

Then one day he woke up to find someone had used his blood to draw on the floor. Encouraging messages and drawings were scrawled out around the boy and as days passed and the doodles around him changed, he gradually became aware that there was someone else inside him. Every night when he fell asleep, another person would possess his body and write all those nice things around him. This stranger, though they could never actually meet, became the boy's only source of light in his dark world.

His Light had a name, Xiu Lixin. Beautiful Sunrise. It fit him perfectly. Because the boy did not have a name himself, his Light decided to give him a name. Xiao Xiyang, Little Sunset. His name matched the name of his Light and that filled the boy with great happiness. 

A year after Xiao Xiyang became aware of Xiu Lixin, his world was rocked once again. The cult holding him captive was attacked and slaughtered. Xiao Xiyang was free. As he was surrounded by evil and demonic qi since birth, Xiao Xiyang knew he couldn't walk the path of a heavenly cultivator. His only remaining choice was to fully embrace the evil qi around him and walk the path of a Demonic Cultivator. From growing up in a Demonic cult, he knew the fastest way to get very strong. He didn't want his Light to have to suffer through with him, but there was no other choice. The faster he could become stronger, the faster he could build a peaceful life for Xiu Lixin.

For the next 100 days, Xiao Xiyang soaked in the blood of 1000 people and consumed the bones of the dead. His hair slowly dyed itself a dark red, like dried blood. A tail made of bones slowly sprouted from the bottom of his spine and his eyes became as dark as the abyss. Xiao Xiyang's cultivation grew by leaps and bounds, and he continued to pave a path of blood and darkness on his way to immortality. 

Years flew by and still, Xiao Xiyang and Xiu Lixin could only communicate through letters and word of mouth with a trusted servant. Xiu Lixin was said to have been getting quieter and quieter, until barely a word left his lips. Xiao Xiyang was very concerned but the other man avoided the topic. Since their first 'meeting', Xiao Xiyang's affections for Xiu Lixin grew deeper and deeper, and turned into a profound obsession. He was jealous of the servants around who could actually come face to face with Xiu Lixin, but he could only communicate through letters. He wanted to hold his Light close and never let go. Eventually, he couldn't cope with the thought that Xiu Lixin might belong to another. So he did the only thing he could do. 

He asked for Xiu Lixin's hand in marriage. His Light should belong to him and him alone! The redhead poured his love onto the pages in front of him and professed his love to the Light of his life.

Xiao Xiyang was ecstatic when he received a letter accepting the marriage proposal. A few teardrops spread the ink on the page but Xiao Xiyang couldn't have been happier!  The two boys married each other at 15 years of age. Xiao Xiyang's obsession grew deeper and he continued searching for a way to unite with his beloved. As the years passed and his demonic tail continued to eat other people's cultivation bases, Xiao Xiyang was even closer to the Void Tracing realm. His only hope to hold Xiu Yixin in his arms would be to step into the Void Tracing realm and pull the other man into his world himself. It would take time to get there though. In the mean time, his closest servant found some special gems.

Recording gems had the ability to record everything in front of it as long as it was fed enough qi to remain active. After recording, it could play back the scene as a projection. Buying as many as he could, Xiao Xiyang placed them all over his mansion and finally was able to see Xiu Lixin. Although he was in his own body, Xiao Xiyang couldn't remove his eyes from Xiu Lixin's figure. Indeed, he never said a word. Xiu Lixin spent most of his time staring at the flowers in the garden or the stars in the sky. Xiao Xiyang was truly star struck. 

Two more years passed and his servant found something even more precious than the recording gems. It was a large flat stone that, when fed qi, let the user see anybody they wanted in real time. Xiao Xiyang could barely contain himself! He immediately injected his qi into the stone and peered into the core, thinking of Xiu Lixin. What appeared shocked him. 

A man with brown hair and pink eyes, wearing strange clothing, tiredly sat against a wall in a strange looking room. He was covered in dirt and had a tired look on his face. Xiao Xiyang's eyes raked across the other man's figure relentlessly. This was Xiu Lixin? Why did he look so tired? Didn't he live a nice, peaceful life?

The brown haired man shifted and revealed a slender neck and... A scar? Why was there such a big scar on Xiu Lixin's neck? 

Xiao Xiyang was dumbfounded. How did Xiu Lixin hide this from him for so long? How was he living now? The redhead watched for hours as Xiu Lixin ran around with a strange mask on his face, fighting strange looking humans. 

Time passed as Xiao Xiyang watched Xiu Lixin through the stone every day, learning more and more about his Light. He could apparently control plants, and used them to keep an eye on his safe zones. He never said a word and was always alone. 

With Xiu Lixin so close to him, Xiao Xiyang wanted to take him away as soon as possible. So he hunted down many high level cultivators and slaughtered them, stealing their cultivation bases and making them his own. Five years passed and finally Xiao Xiyang stepping into the Void Tracing realm. The day he achieved this goal was also the day where he saw Xiu Lixin get grievously injured in a fight between him and another group of people. Not wanting to be separated for even one more moment, Xiao Xiyang reached his hand across the realms and pulled Xiu Lixin into his arms. They were together now, and would spend the rest of eternity together, living peacefully away from society, on their own little mountain surrounded by a field of flowers.