Millicent (AU - Dragon Mill)



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Millicent (Minferno)


Mill, Milly


Firelord (formerly), Lord of Fire (formerly), Lord of Flame (formerly), Daughter of Ragnaros, Mate of Kalecgos, Queen of the Blue Dragonflight


Elemental Lord (Fire)


Genderless (She/Her)




Azure Span, Dragon Isles (Azeroth)


Firelands, Alliance (Passive), Horde (Passive)


Firelord (former)


This is a Canon x OC AU!


Millicent is the "daughter" of Ragnaros.

She is, essentially, a clone made from his own essence; a means of preserving an resurrecting him if he were to perish. Mill's creation served as assurance for the firelord and as an affront to the old gods which created him.

During the time in which Ragnaros is absent from the firelands, Mill ascends through the ranks by defeating Ragnaros' strongest lieutenants in combat and inherits the title and role of firelord.

Upon his return to the firelands, Ragnaros is unable to defeat Mill and reclaim his place as firelord- marking the first time in which their relationship had any semblance of a parent-child one.

Her bond with Ragnaros grows as he interacts with a mortal man by the name of Barklay Grendel; who later becomes the husband of the former firelord. It's through Ragnaros' relationship with Barklay that Mill would take interest in Azeroth, and eventually leave the firelands on her own.


Mill initially comes to Azeroth in the form of a human; as her interest lies in the city where her father's husband lived- Gilneas. She does not stay here long; however.

Drawn north by a strange force, Mill winds up in Silvermoon city; where the likes of the burning legion are attempting to gain control of the sunwell.

Due to her human visage, and her lack of understanding relationships between mortal races- Mill is repeatedly chased away from Silvermoon until she is forced to assume a secondary blood elf visage in order to gain access to to the area of interest.

It is here, in Silvermoon, where Mill first encounters Kalecgos; who is drawn to her unusual and powerful fire magic. They run into one another every so often over a short span of time and he's able to learn that she is both very powerful, and rather polite.

Though she does not see Kalecgos after these first few interactions, Mill later becomes involved in the incident where he is rescued from the control of the burning legion... and where he loses his (at the time) romantic interest, This is also where she becomes aware that he is a dragon; and not a mortal as she thought

She leaves Kalecgos to grieve; but not before offering him a sincere apology and some bit of comfort- or what she could, at the time, with her limited experience with mortals. This act would spark a long-lasting interest between Kalecgos and Mill, though they would not see each other again for some time.

At some point, Ragnaros is influenced by the old gods to invade Azeroth and attempt to burn Nordrassil. It is Mill who regains control of his armies and, effectively, stops the invasion from happening. This earns her the attention and ire of Nozdormu, the dragon aspect of time.

In an attempt to correct the events that had taken place and set the timeline straight again, Mill is summoned to the caverns of time to be dealt with... though she ends up offering her assistance to deal with Azeroth's current assailant, Deathwing.

Reluctantly, Mill is allowed to join the mission to recover the dragon soul and destroy Deathwing- but it's here where she runs into Kalecgos again. This is also the point in which he becomes aware that she is not mortal; but in fact an elemental lord.

Following Deathwing's defeat, Mill has a small window of time where she can reconnect with Kalecgos. He now knows much of her origin, and her motives- as well as experiencing much more of her personality... both through watching her in combat, and seeing more of her general demeanor while chatting.

Unfortunately, this window of time does not last long enough for either of them, and Mill offers to exchange letters with him to keep in touch- which they do for several years following this event.

In this time, Mill meets Vanius- a night elf druid (who is later revealed to be a dragon) and falls in love with Azeroth. She also learns, from him, how to assume the form of a blue dragon- which ends up being the form she uses the most from this point onward.

She is introduced to many people in this period of time, and goes on many adventures... including the one where she meets her first love, Thrandel; though their relationship ends not long after it began- and Thrandel is killed in the burning of Teldrassil.

The letters between Mill and Kalecgos stop prior to this, and do not continue; though Mill later finds out that this is because he had written a letter (in which he discloses his feelings for her) but never sent it.

Eventually, Mill is approached by Vanius to assist in helping his ancestral home- the dragon isles. Although she agrees to assist him because she wishes to help her friend, she is interested in the possibility of meeting Kalecgos again.

As expected, they are reunited once again and spend a good deal of time reconnecting with one another.

Kalecgos is surprised to see her take the form of a blue dragon- which she reveals is her way of remembering and keeping him, and her memories of him close.

At another point after being reunited, Mill takes a flight with Kalecgos and explains to him what she had been up to (including her previous relationship) as they hadn't been writing, rekindling his feelings for her.

He ends up asking her for help to restore his home in the Azure Span; and to renew the azure oathstone- which she does without hesitation. It's shortly after these events in which they both express their fondness for one another and begin their relationship.

  Current Day:

Currently, Mill resides in the Azure Span, on the dragon isles.

Much of her time is spent in the archives, or adventuring within the area; though she is never too far from her mate, or the rest of his flight.

She is familiar with most of the other blue dragons; and even helped bring some of them back to the Azure Span from wherever they had been previously on Azeroth.

It's more often than not that one would find Mill in her dragon form- though she does use the blood elf and human forms every so often.

Eventually, she becomes pregnant and has the first brood of Kalecgos.



Adversarial Relationships:
 - Nozdormu (formerly)

Friendly Relationships:
 - Taz'daku
 - Vanius
 - Anduin Wrynn
 - Wrathion
 - Thalen
 - Sidney

Familial Relationships:
 - Ragnaros (father)
 - Barklay (father)
 - Kizagos (son)
 - Sathragos (son)

Romantic Relationships:
 - Thrandel (formerly/deceased)
 - Kalecgos

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