
Ha Den O Jameso


"Oh, I guess you like it)))0))000"

  • Jameso is very smart and dodge man, who can easily fool others. From irdish language his name means "even time is drunk", and he got this name due to his addiction to booze.

  • Likes: booze, old mechanisms, weapons of any kind
  • Dislikes: notations

  • Was born on the planet named IrDa. It was a post-apocalyptic world, where all hunted for resources and the rare information used as money. All of irdish people was able to use any weapons of any kind, but lots of them forgot how to create new ones instead of broken. This endless war on these planet ended, when two people left, and one of them killed his opponent, and only after doing it realized, what he did. Jameso was that last man on IrDa. He lived a bit and commited a suicide, due to the fact that resources of planed almost ended, and planet was far away from the others.

  • He was revived in Shado as shadromancer due to Heiden Ortvick's will, and became just owner of small 1.5 star motel, where he was only one of personal. Ortvick often visit him to speak and not to forget their world's language.
Age / height / weight
21 (July, 08) / 177 cm/68kg
Neutral evil / ENTP
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Motel owner