Seijun Ito ˚୨୧⋆。



1 year, 9 months ago


Seijun Ito

Seijun Ito
Japanese Name 維音 清純
Rōmaji Name Ito Seijun
Alias Sei-chan (Baji, various)
Junbug (Kazutora, Ryoko Baji)
Sei/Ito-san (various)
Professional Information


Position Second Generation Tokyo Manji Gang Member (2008)
Occupation Student (past)
Flower Shop Owner (present)
Personal Information
Gender Female
Birthday December 22, 1990
Age 14-15 (2005)
17-18 (2008)
27-28 (2018)
Blood Type O
Height 154cm (5'1")
Weight 53 kg
Hair Color Dyed Green (Past)
Ombre Brown (Present)
Eye Color Lavender + Medium Slate Blue
Relatives Unamed mother
Unamed father
Affiliation Second Generation Tokyo Manji Gang (former)
Japanese Voice Saori Ōnishi
Image Gallery

Seijun Ito is the childhood friend of Keisuke Baji and Kazutora Hanemiya. She is known to be an all rounder: in the top of her class, she also maintains her routine of training at the Sano Dojo and helps her mother around the flower shop when she can. Seijun takes a huge interest in floriography and often enjoys sharing her knowledge with both her friends and her mother's customers. She was a part of the 2nd generation Tokyo Manji Gang, falling under First Division lead by Seishu Inui.


Seijun is a half-Filipina half-Japanese teen with lavender-blue eyes, brown eyelashes, a light brown complexion, and dyed green hair. Her hair length ranges from medium to long over the course of her junior high to high school years. A single strand of hair always manages to rest against her forehead area no matter what hairstyle she undergoes. She is most often depicted in either her school uniform or work attire from her mother's flower shop.


Seijun is widely recognized for her compassion towards others, but often surprises people when she takes a stand for herself and for the people she cares for. She's popular among her classmates for both her looks and natural charm, but not many admirers are bold enough to approach her due to her being close friends with delinquents. Those her are brave enough to approach her often tend to be headstrong with their advances, and refuse to take no for an answer. It is in those scenarios, that her personality shifts into one more ruthless and similar to Keisuke Baji's.

Skills and Abilities


Seijun posseses a natural charm to her that attracts the attention of many. It's particularly in her time at junior high that her charisma shines above all else, radiating a warmth of genuine kindness and acceptance towards others. She carries a confidence that often times Baji is surprised by, recalling their early years when Seijun was much more timid and to herself.

Fighting Prowess

Though Seijun is not affiliated with any gang until high school, she has maintained her routine of martials arts training to both protect herself and others from any potential harm. Like Takashi Mitsuya, Seijun also stands by only using violence to protect what's dear to her.


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Moebius Arc

Valhalla Arc

Bonten Arc



  • "insert quote here"
  • (to ?) "insert quote here"


  • The name Seijun means "pure" (清) (sei) and "innocence" (純) (jun).
  • Seijun's surname Ito means "support" (維) and "sound" (音).


  • Her image color is pale lavender.
  • Her favorite month is April, because that’s when Cherry blossoms are at their peak bloom.
  • Her favorite place is the Sakura Furusato Square (she wants to go with Kazutora one day.)
  • Seijun's all time favorite flowers are tulips and forget me nots.
  • She has a high spicy food tolerance.
  • The people she admires/respects most are her mother, Shinichiro, and Baji.
  • The people she dislikes/fears most are Kisaki and Hanma.
  • Her special skill is being successful in most arcade and carnival games. (She helped Draken to win a plushie for Emma's birthday.)
  • Seijun's dream is to run her own flower shop near Baji’s pet shop.
  • Her heroic story (or failure story): she dyed her hair on her own the night before her first day of middle school and managed to not get scolded by her parents for dying it without permission.

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As a child, Seijun was both quiet and timid around anyone outside of her parents. It wasn’t until they enrolled her in martial arts training at the Sano Dojo, that Seijun began to open up more as a person. Keisuke Baji had noticed over time how Seijun would often sit under one of the cherry blossom trees outside of the dojo during breaks.Baji didn’t think much of it, until one day he heard the sound of sobbing coming from the direction of said cherry blossom tree.

Baji learns that he was the first kid around her age to approach Seijun in a kind manner. Beforehand, he believed the trio of guys that talked to Seijun during training sessions were friends of hers, but was unfortunately mistaken. Seijun reveals that the reality of their interactions were moments where the three kids picked on her, both for being one of the few girls who trained at the Sano Dojo and for having a tanned complexion.

After opening up, Seijun begs Keisuke to not rush off and tell the group of kids about what she told him. He’s quick to reassure her that he isn’t anything like them, and insists on the two of them becoming friends. Baji offers to train with her, and later goes with her to approach both Shinichiro and Mansaku Sano about the bullying situation.

Shinichiro states that he could take care of the issue, and tells Seijun that she is very brave for opening up about the problem. In that moment, she grows admiration not only for Keisuke Baji, but for Shinichiro Sano as well. The trio of guys who bullied Seijun are immediately expelled from the Sano Dojo the next day.

Since then, both Seijun and Baji have been the closest of friends. Having someone like Baji around gave Seijun a growth in confidence she never believed she could gain.


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Izana Kurokawa

Izana and Seijun are first cousins on the Filipino side of their ethnicity. Seijun's mother and Izana's birth mother are sisters, but Seijun is not aware of their relation until Izana himself approaches her one day at the beginning of Tenjiku arc.

While Seijun is happy to know she has a relative close in age, being an only child, Izana's priorities follow a pathway similar to Kazutora's during Valhalla arc, as his main focus is breaking Manjiro Sano. Izana takes advantage of both Seijun's kindness and her connection to him, using her as an added pawn and has her join Tenjiku in secret from all of Seijun's friends in Toman, serving as a double agent for the benefit of his plans.

Keisuke Baji

Keisuke was Seijun's first ever friend and has remained her best friend throughout their childhood. With the two of them being only children to their respective families, they view each other as siblings. Baji is well aware of how Seijun's skillset in fighting, but still makes a point to watch over her in the way an older brother would his younger sister.

Baji was well aware of Kazutora's instant interest in Seijun after introducing them to each other, and found it unsurprisng that she shared similar feelings for him in return over the time the three of them spent together. Despite those factors, Keisuke is still very protective of Seijun, and urges to keep her out of any gang related activities for her safety. It's something he and Kazutora have always mutually agreed on, no matter the circumstance.

Chifuyu Matsuno

Both Seijun and Chifuyu take comfort in each other's prescence: Seijun losing both Kazutora and Baji, and Chifuyu losing the one guy he ever wanted to follow. The two develop a strong relationship over the course of time, even having crushes on each other at different points in their lives, but never pursued anything further. Despite this, the two find joy/comfort in each other's company and support each other in everything they do, as Chifuyu is, and continues to be, one of Seijun's closest friends.

Ryusei Sato

Both Seijun and Ryusei were well known by their classmates for their natural charm and attractive appearances, but had no clue of each other's existence until Baji recruited him as vice captain under Tokyo Manji Gang's first division. Ryusei had a tendency to stop by her mother's flower shop and had Seijun's help in picking the right flower bouquets to gift first division member, Cho, who was in the hospital.

Ken Ryuguji

Seijun and Draken are friends in the aspect of both mutually sharing friends, with Emma Sano being one of Seijun's childhood friends and Draken having romantic interest in Emma. Baji recommended Seijun's services to Draken, in the favor of helping him to win one of the teddy bears in a crane machine for Emma's birthday gift.

Draken was also one to help encourage Seijun to visit Kazutora at the Tokyo Detention Center, as he was well aware of Seijun's strong connection to both him and Baji. He didn't want her to regret not visiting Kazutora, despite the valid anger she felt towards him after Bloody Halloween.

Romantic Interest

Kazutora Hanemiya

Kazutora and Seijun were introduced to each other through Keisuke Baji in 2001, a week after Kazutora's 11th birthday. Kazutora is the first to take interest in Seijun, developing a crush on her from how kind she always was towards him every time they hung out. Like Baji, Seijun also tried to keep in contact with Kazutora through letters while he was in juvie for 2 years, though she never got any responses back.

Upon seeing her again after finishing his sentence, he was positive he had deeper feelings for Seijun, beyond a child's crush. Despite acknowledging that, Kazutora's hatred for Mikey surpassed his feelings for Seijun at the the time when he joined Valhalla in plan to elimiate Manjiro Sano and kill his enemy. He comes to regret this immediately after the end of Bloody Halloween, and makes it a point to apologize to Seijun first thing in the moment she decides to visit him in the detention center, 2 weeks after Baji had passed.

The two manage to air out all of their feelings and thoughts, with Seijun forgiving Kazutora, as she continues to write him letters weekly for the next 10 years up to his release. In 2015, when Kazutora is brought back into society, the two reunite and in no time, end up pursuing a romantic relationship with each other, as they had always wanted to back when they were teenagers.


Tetta Kisaki

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis.

Shuji Hanma

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis.


Emma Sano

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis.

Layout by Erandia
Tokyo Revengers Version by Aruoku