
2 years, 1 month ago


OC Name:

Lord Panthera Cauda Hark



^Elveran species Type:




House Gift:

Apparent invisibility in shadows, as Lord of the house, his gift is amplified


6ft in heels


{At least 4 traits, please make sure they agree with the strengths and stats}

Cautious - He spends time weighing the pros and cons of every choice.

Open Minded - He is careful to not seem critical, and appreciates new views on topics

Driven - Once he is set on a course of action, he cannot stop until the goal is reached

Wary, suspicious - He assumes all elves have an agenda of their own, often only trusting himself or his daughter. 

Feline - He is self-centered, apathetic, self-sufficient like his house trait, but he looks after his own. 


{At least 3}

Leadership - Stealth - Observation - Knowledge


{At least 3}

Age problems? - Forgiveness - Empathy


{Optional but recommended}

Butterfly collecting

Paperwork to other houses

Hunting with his daughter


Health: 5/10

Intelligence: 5/10

Fighting: 5/10

Speed: 5/10

Strength: 5/10

Magic/House Power: 5/10

Total : 30/30


Lord of Panthera


He was born to Mustela (Weasel) and Cattus (Cat) traited parents, moving to the panther house. The leader was a fierce warrior queen, who took a shine to his eagerness for conquest and heartlessness, which let him pursue his enemies without regret or reservations. Eventually the Felaric came by to check up on his house, and he thought they were enemies, attempting to destroy them. His attack was skillful and would have taken out any Jelva in the same position, but the Felaric magic took him down in seconds. Ever since then he has rankled under the firm grasp of the Felaric, doing all he could to get to his position as Lord, but not any further than they would let him. He never felt love for anyone else, pursuing his career first and foremost. But then one day, he proposed a hunt to push back the spiders in the forset, and got caught unaware by a web. Lady Lark came to rescue him from the web but got caught at the same time he was pulled upwards into the grasp of a spider. He eventually beat it off, falling down only to find it was too late for the Lady. He later found out she had been in love with him, the only thing he could do was bring her orphaned child into his home and take care of the girl, as his own daughter. She grew up none the wiser of her heritage, a fearsome warrior like him. By pulling many strings, he was able to set up the center of his city in Amer. This is where hes remained for the rest of his days. 

Relationships (Friends/Family/Crushes):


Weapon/^Magic Item:

Claws or house power

Theme song:

Killing Butterflies - Lewis Blissett

^Ara/Familiar/Pet Name+Info: N/A

Appearance + Reference (Must include appearance after initiation if 16+ Jelva):

He is an incredibly pale Jelva, his skin dry and generally wrinkled. His nails are dark and strong, able to inflict serious wounds after years of being sharpened. His hair is dark and greying, and monocle dark gold.

His general outfit is luxurious, he isn't required to leave the castle much anymore, and he is the only Jelva who made one, its the pride of his period as ruler, and quite possibly supposed to rival the marvellous city of Juntiss. 

His general scent is Moth dust and decaying leaves, which he doesnt attempt to hide.

His panther tail and eye markings are just black. The eye markings are akin to gauze, but at the same time seem to move like smoke. Part of the magic one supposes

If possible, attach screenshots of used items (has a ^ above)

RP reminders:

– Loki // 12:8:22 // He is annoying and doesn’t listen at all. To some extent I see that reflected in myself but his disregard for tradition and elders is appalling. I will not let him off so easy next time. -