Ash's Comments

what's your specific art offer? ^_^

What do you think would be fair? I can do multiple styles and different media ^^ Maybe even custom code ^^

i'm happy with anything rlly!! just lmk what sounds fair, but enjoyable for you! ^w^ although i am def very interested in custom html stuff >o>

that's super sweet of you! I think I'm gonna go for a custom code! I really want to get my coding game on. Any idea what you'd want on there? And what lay-out, you want me to use?

awesome, sounds great! here's what id like included:

  • (big) spaces for name, species, pronouns, age, status, birthday, orientation, occupation, aaaand mbti
  • large-ish biography box that scrolls in case there is lots of information!
hopefully that's not too much trouble! if there's room for an image, it'll be a fullbody, so ideally no square image spaces, but all of this is p fluid haha :) html pls!
3 Replies