


1 year, 10 months ago




Name Aynat
Species Luceva
Age Undisclosed
Gender Female
Alignment Acclaimed
Clan Eagla
Profile Art By Throughthelightx
Design By Pey (myself)

Physical Traits

  • Golden eyes as she is an acclaimed Luceva
  • Black horns that transition to purple (her clan colour).
  • Purple streak in her hair.


  • Thriving off other people's fears
  • Teaming up with the Iluze clan
  • Bold fashion choices

Aynat is part of the demon closed species Luceva. She is an acclaimed Luceva which means that she follows all of the Luceva laws and regulations. They are a species which thrive off of the more sinister sides of life, why would Aynat want to stray from that? She has powers that allow her to sense a being's deepest and darkest fears. She likes to spend time with Luceva from the Iluze clan who have the ability to conjure hallucinations, their powers together are truly terrifying.

Luceva Lore

The Luceva are a demon species that were created to bring order and control to some of the more sinister sides of life. They are renown in the Underworld for their efficiency and organisation. The Luceva are split into four different clans; Ombra, Eagla, Iluze and Anima. The shared aim of all the clans is to ignite terror on the human realm but they all have different skillsets in order to complete this. However, Luceva are free to befriend and enter into relationships with citizens from other clans and Luceva law encourages this to promote harmony. Any activities that are seen to be promoting clan supremacy are strictly forbidden and are punishable by realignment. At birth, a Luceva does not yet have an assigned clan. They will not yet have a clan symbol on their chest and all other traits will be completely golden. Clan status is not hereditary and young Luceva often find themselves assigned to a different clan than both of their parents. As a child, it is believed that the fates decide which clan best suits and the first indication of clan status occurs when a stripe of Luceva's hair begins to turn a certain colour. Once a Luceva comes of age, without warning, their body will undergo a painful process where their clan symbol will emerge on their chest and their other physical Luceva attributes will begin to bare the colour of their given clan. They will be assigned an elder mentor from their clan and, from this point on, they must begin to conform to their clan's ideals. Those Luceva who stray from their given path will face realignment. A realigned Luceva has physical traits which represent that they have betrayed their species. Any Luceva who continues to shame the species will transition fully into a forsaken Luceva. Forsaken Luceva are despised by the rest of their species and all of their traits will turn completely red to highlight the shame they have brought to their species. For this reason, an acclaimed Luceva will never wear red.

Clan: Eagla

The Eagla have psychic powers and can sense all of your biggest fears and thrive off of the anguish that people feel when they are petrified. As the Eagla do not have projection abilities, they will often work together closely with the Iluze clan to make someone's fears become a reality. The Eagla like to look as intimidating as possible and do not care about fitting into societal norms through their attire. For an Eagla, the more eccentric that they can look and the more attention that they can draw to themselves, the better. Because of this, they will often wear bright and vibrant colours. Colour clashing, what's that? The Eagla have never heard of it. Their clan colour is purple and some Eagla will represent elements of this through their dress..


  • Aynat was the first in her family to be an Eagla. Both of her parents were Anima.
  • At the age of 15, a section of Aynat's hair began to turn purple. This is how she knew she was Eagla.
  • Aynat takes her role very seriously. In her spare time, she likes to research scientific names of different phobias.
  • Aynat's best friend is an acclaimed Iluze.
  • Aynat is very brave and doesn't care too much what others think of her. She can sense people's biggest fears, what does she have to be scared of?



Luceva [closed species]

Aynat is a part of the Luceva closed species which have MYO tickets available.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.