Mitchell Sanders



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info








Danish Landrace Pig




Whatever Works


The only butcher in a small town, though he's looking to expand to larger enterprises. No one seems to know where he sources his product.

Mitch grew up in a small southern town, raised by absent parents. His father was a butcher, and his before him, so Mitch knows the value of 'keeping it in the family'. He and Sadie knew each other through high school, and she's always treated him like a younger brother, if not antagonistically. Though he doesn't aspire to be as prolific as her, her popularity still grinds his gears. That, and when she rubs his face in it. Their rivalry extends past occupation, though. Whatever he gets she ends up wanting, and she's not above taking it from him, leaving him holding the short end of the stick.

Friendly, at least outwardly, and dripping with southern charm. Can hold down a drink like nobody's business. Wouldn't admit it, but for a guy his size, he's fairly good at line dancing.

He doesn't have a lot of friends, but there's a group of biker buddies he plays pool with (admittedly pretty well) that hang around the bar he frequents.

Owns an vintage Ford truck, but prefers to ride motorcycles.

His cabin sits on the edge of the woods where people tend to go missing, but that's not his fault. There's something else out there and he's not about to find out what it is.

There aren't many places he goes without either his butcher knife or Colt revolver on his hip.

Relationships to Others

Haemus: Some ol' smarty-pants douchebag. Convinced that he knows more about anatomy than him.

Julius: The freak that won't leave him the hell alone on Sundays. 

Sadie: Hate. Hate hate hate. Bitch that keeps on taking everything from him.

Tanner: That insane tag-along that Sadie drags around with her. He'd snap her like a twig if she weren't so damn slippery.

Samson: (disgusted and fearful noises)

Otto: The nice fellow that comes in to the general store to grocery shop every few weeks. Decent customer, no complaints.

Emile: The've never met.