


6 years, 4 months ago


Eddie is a curious A-class drone Resident, made at Tharsis University.

He was made in January, 2561 as a project to create a drone as close to a human as possible, along with realistic emotions and the ability to learn. Due to this, of course, he is under heavy monitoring from the EIO, and reprimanded for every transgression that is disliked by the university or organization. In January 2562 he was sent aboard the Northern Star to test his skills in socialization and autonomy, and then was redirected to the Southern Cross upon relocalization. Security on the station is to be made aware of Eddie's situation and keep an eye on him at all times. Due to this, Eddie is often scared of security and prefers to stay away from it, though he is very obedient due to his fear. He tends to take his drone identification off and hide it in his pocket, and is quite secretive about being a drone. His hands are both marked with the words "A-class drone", which is the reason he is usually spotted wearing gloves.

He is inquisitive by nature, both on the station and everywhere else. He expresses a particular interest in robotics and engineering. He also has a particular affinity for mechs - offering him a ride in one is one of the easy ways to win him over. He acts much like a child, in fact, and bribes can be quite effective.

With his emotions being preprogrammed, most of his emotional responses cannot be changed via training without tampering with his code. He also tends to associate people with specific emotions. His curiosity tends to overpower his fear quite often, although the fear response triggered in response to violent situations overrides anything else. Despite not being forced to, however, Eddie tends to abide by the basic robot laws, mostly focusing on the safety of organic individuals, and they tend to take priority over much else.

Flavor Text:

(https://tinyurl.com/eddiebot2) 5'1" tall and with a shiny, fragile metallic build. Eddie's body is clearly new and well maintained. His voice is that of a young male teen, and it sounds surprisingly smooth for a robot.

On the back of the palm of each of his hands, the words "A-class drone" are engraved.
