


1 year, 9 months ago



Gender   Non-Binary 

Pronouns   They/Them 

Age   24 

DoB   11/23 

Sign   Sagittarius 

S.O.   Pansexual 

Race   Tiefling 

Status   Alive 

Alignment   Chaotic Evil 

Occupation   Adventurer/Thief 

Ship In A Bottle


 Oh, captain, let's make a deal where we both say the things that we both really feel. I feel scared and I'm starting to sink and I only sink deeper the deeper I think. 


  • Sparkly things
  • Getting into trouble
  • Dad's approval
  • Animals


  • Getting caught
  • Dad being mad at them
  • Arrogant snobs
  • Being alone and forgotten


  • Crime
  • Content
  • Content
  • Content


 Extroverted   Introverted 

 Instinctive   Calculated 

 Deceptive   Sincere 

 Unjust   Fair 

 Indifferent   Emotional 

 Reserved   Affectionate 

 Cooperative   Lone wolf 




 Dom. hand 

ENTP (Debater)


The Devil (Reversed)


The Corrupted



 Pact of the Chain 













At first glance, Coin is an extroverted and scrappy individual with a nice, charming way of speaking. They like to meet new people, though that typically ends with them stealing from the other, and anyone friends with them knows that they like to cause trouble. That trouble is usually pointed in someone else’s direction. They may not be the bravest but they will fight if they have to. However, this is all really a ruse; they’re much more introverted than they let on and prefer their closest friends than simple strangers. They don’t like to show their other side, especially not around their father, as it’s a much more scared, childish side.

Communication skills

Coin tries to sound confident and knowing, even when they have no idea what they’re talking about. Especially when they have no idea what they’re talking about. They try to speak as if they know everyone is listening to them. When really, no one is probably paying attention to what they say. Which is fair since they typically don’t listen to what others say anyway. It’s hard to pay attention when someone has something you want or you didn’t want to speak to them in the first place.

Showing affection

To the outsider, Coin doesn't seem like the most affectionate person in the world. It's not that they don't care for it, it's mostly an act like most of who they are, they crave it really. They were never given affection during their childhood. They were told to "suck it up" and waved away when in need of love. So now, as an adult, they don't show how much they want to be loved. They try to not let any form of physical touch or words of affirmation get to them. But, it hurts a little.




Spiced Apple Cider


Spruce Trees











 Time of day 


 Clothing item 








Height   5'9 

Weight   150 lbs 

Build   Lanky/Athletic 

Face shape   Heart 

Hairline   Behind Horns 

Color scheme   Triadic 

Main aesthetic   Dark Academia 

Clothing style   Dark Academia 

Facial features

Coin has a bumped, crooked nose, half oval eyebrows, and wide pupil-less eyes with yellow sclera and golden irises. They usually are seen smirking which often looks slightly crooked on their faces.

Scars & Marks

Coin noticibly has a curled tail, an uncommon trait for Tieflings. As a child, it wasn’t as curled as it is now. It doesn’t seem to bother them but they're not sure if it's a genetic problem or if it will effect them in the future.


Coin typically dresses in a very androgynous fashion in the “dark academia” style of clothing. Their usual outfit is a long white petticoat and a white blouse with sheer sleeves under a phthalo green vest. They also wear black pants and simple slip-on shoes. They often accessorize with many different types of jewelry such as bracelets, earrings, tail rings, and necklaces. Their favorite is their coin necklace, a gold piece attached to a golden chain.

  • Coin Necklace
  • Vest
  • Other Jewelry


The Sacrifice

Long ago, the Ancient Green Dragon Sariyzen laid claim to an equally ancient forest, Shercastle Grove. Where once a great castle stood amongst the trees was now crumbling walls, greenery, and a mighty beast’s horde. The local villages feared the dragon, but no one dared to attack him. He’d already proven that he wasn’t afraid of dealing with the locals; his natural poison once corrupted their water supply until a deal was made.

Every month, the surrounding villages were to bring him whatever treasure they had. Gold, food, and valuable trinkets were all acceptable means of payment. His horde grew as did his following. Kobolds from the various villages came to follow Sariyzen and even worship him. Life was good for the dragon.

Then one day, a baby was left for him by one of the villages. A small, wriggling, orange skinned tiefling with horns the same shape as his. A disgusting cretin. But Sariyzen saw the potential behind it and brought it back to his horde.


In the child’s youngest days, the dragon entrusted it’s wellbeing to his subjects. The one that spent the most time, and the one that Coin would call their adoptive mother, was a grey-scaled Kobold named Ash. She put special care and love into the child that the other young Kobolds wouldn’t get. This child was special to her, she knew that they would be important to their leader. As Coin grew up, Ash gave them a name and taught them to speak and walk.

Eventually, they would be taken from Ash to be trained further by Sariyzen. He would teach them to fight, even if it meant injury to the small child, as well as his own ideals of the world. This would be where Coin learned to lie, steal, and where their magic would start to emerge. However, it was also a time of strife. The training was harsh, and bloodshed wasn’t uncommon for young Coin. A broken bone here and there was nothing of concern for the Dragon. They could simply be healed by the Kobold clerics and be back to training within the hour.

Leaving The Forest

When Sariyzen deemed Coin ready, their first missions were to retrieve the payments from the villages. It was always simple enough for them to do, easy first steps. They were eager to please their father. Always so dutiful to their quest and happy to leave the crumbling castle grounds. The woods were much different than the kobold infested castle as well. It was quiet. They found that they really enjoyed the quiet of the woods and the gentleness (yet fear) of the villagers that they’d meet.

It wasn’t until they were a teenager that Sariyzen sent them farther from the grove. They would eventually be sent on missions to retrieve items, kill for the dragon, or just given general mischief to do. There would be times where Coin would get caught and in trouble with the law. It just came with the territory. It was during one of these jail sentences that they would meet their current travelling party.








Tactic   Opportunistic 

Attitude   Cold/Indifferent 

Distance   Long-Range 

Weapon   Magic 

Fighting style

Coin prefers to stay back in a fight. They're more than happy to let others take the brunt of the damage while they stay back and fire Eldritch Blasts from a distance. They're also a big fan of summoning spells, such as Summon Shadowspawn, to do more damage in their name.


  • Magic
  • Quick
  • Fire and Poison Resistance
  • Long Range


  • Low Hit Points
  • Lowish Armor Class
  • No Hand To Hand
  • Bad With Most Other Weapons
Pact Magic


The magic that their father granted them at a young age. Coin has come to be a great magician and relies on it in battle the most. While they may not be strong enough to cast as much as they want, their magic is strong and packs a serious punch when they hit.

Mask of Many Faces
Favorite Eldritch Invocation


Mask of Many Faces is Coin’s favorite invocation that they’ve learned. It lets them disguise themself without using any energy. They use this to get into so many mischiefs. Such as the time that they convinced a local boy that they were their long-lost twin brother. They now use this disguise, a human boy named Matthew, as an alibi.

Gift of the Metallic Dragon


The benefits of having a dragon for a father is that Coin has manifested some of his power. They’re able to manifest wings that can protect them or a nearby ally. While they don’t use this skill as much as their spells, it is neat to have.


Cash Money


Coin's Pact of the Chain familiar is a Pseudodragon named Cash Money. Cash is typically used for reconnaissance as he's able to fly and is small enough to get into places where others wouldn't be able to. Coin is able to see and hear through him as well as speak through him. He's very importent to Coin and is also a source of emotional support.

Sharkslayer Dagger


A wooden dagger that's been embedded with sharp shark's teeth. Made by Jaco after the Kobalt killed a shark while still on the ship.

Bag of Beans


A small leather pouch of magic beans that Coin has been holding onto for a while. Jaco also has a bag. They're both saving it for some chaos eventually.

Quill of Names


A magical quill that remembers all signatures it has ever written and can reproduce them.



  • They tend to flick their tail like a cat when hit with high emotions.
  • The crow's nest of the ship was their favorite place, it made them want to fly.
  • They have a huge sweet tooth.


  • They enjoy conjuring shadow creatures to fight for them.
  • They would always prefer going later in combat rather right up front.
  • Long range is preferred but dad made sure to teach them to fight with daggers and quarterstaffs.


  • Coin always makes sure to be the last asleep, unless keeping watch.
  • As a child, they thought that they were a dragon and always asked when their wings would grow.
  • They would never tell them, but Coin loves the Chaos Crew and would do anything to protect them.


  • Coin's concept went through so many changes before their final design was complete.
  • The color of their vest and hair are the same color as Sariyzen's scales and horns/spikes.
  • The necklaces represent Sariyzen's ownership of Coin, much like a dog wears a collar.


Adopted Father





Coin’s relationship with Sariyzen is one sided at best. They care deeply about what he thinks of them and only wants his love and respect. Yet they never get either. Sariyzen only sees Coin as an item, a tool to gain more power, to control. Coin, however, sees the world of Sariyzen and feels like they owe their life to him.






The Chaos Crew is the current party that Coin travels with. Made up of Tazrin King, Jaco Stream, Kobalt, and Elena (plus her hyena companion Xena). They are a ragtag group of misfits trying to survive in whatever way they can. Coin, due to their upbringing, would not admit how much they enjoy the Crew’s friendship. But they would die for them if needed to.