


1 year, 9 months ago


♪ Music to listen to♫

| Page of Rage | Derse Dreamer | Fuschia Blood |

She's very happy, very go lucky, loves to be alive and treasures all the wonders she can find. She lives on a land over the sea. In a tower that can easily reach the water. Her room is pink. her favorite color is pink. lighter than her blood color closer to pastels, but still. Pink. Being a Fuschia blood, her lusus is Gl'bgolyb, who fights for her during strifes. She has to feed it, so she enlists the help of her friends to keep her sated. That's the only time she really gets to go into the water even though she loves it. She loves mermaids and fantasy of that nature and wishes she had a tail, not just gills. 

Her godtier comes into play as while she's a nice girl, not everyone is as nice as she is, and slowly it reeks over towards the whole session. One by one, people start to hate each other and she is none the wiser for it.

Her hair is curly like black people.

She has a curvy/chubby build but it's hard to see with the clothes/reproduction of Hussie's style.

If you're not familiar with Homestuck, trolls have gray skin, orange scleras and horns. Her blood color is a light fuschia like Feferi's but lighter/brighter which means if there were blush it would be pink. Also, in their Godtier outfit trolls grow wings the same color as their blood color.