


1 year, 10 months ago


NAME: Aura
SPECIES: Hedgehog
GENDER: Cis Female (She/Her)
AGE: Toddler/Young kid
HEIGHT: Baby sized (80-100cm)
WEIGHT: 35 lbs
10% Extroverted
90% Introverted

P; Shy, Innocent and very naive. Has a little bit of trouble trusting people but she trusts Sonic and sees him as a father-like figure and follows him around during one of his missions (He later on takes care of her).

Aura is a very shy, quiet and selectively mute girl. She lives with a caretaker in a little cottage (her parents aren't present, never met her mom and her dad got lost in mysterious ways when she was a baby). Sonic met her in one of his many missions. This one had him stay at a village and get some info about something etc. He stayed for about a month and met her and she immediately got attached to him and followed him around. He thought it was... kind of annoying at first, but then grew attached to her and had a lot of trouble leaving afterwards... until he came back and took her with him to a shared residence so she could have a new life and he could take care of her whenever he went there dkjgfdh