


1 year, 9 months ago


♪ Music to listen to♫

| Heir of Doom | Derse Dreamer | Mutant Blood |

She's a sweet girl that has a sweet flush crush on her moirail, but refuses to tell anyone, even though everyone a mile away can tell. She has a penchant for both being very lucky and very unlucky at the same time. She stumbles through her life much like she stumbles through her strife specibus, yo-yokind. When she walks around, she falls on her feet, but swiftly eludes enemies. She stubs her toe, but misses a pot hole in the ground by jumping around swiftly around it. She gets to the wrong town, but finds a cool new bakery instead that she can grow to like even more. It is a confusing mix, and her land is even more confusing.

It creeps her out. So much so, that she hangs out on every body else's land but her own.

Her hair is curly like black people.

She has a curvy/chubby build but it's hard to see with the clothes/reproduction of Hussie's style.

Her blood color is bright red, like a normal human being unlike most trolls. Also, in their Godtier outfits trolls grow wings the same color as their blood color. So as an Heir of Doom, she would have bright red wings with her gray/brown outfit.