


6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Sid
Nicknames: None
Gender: Sexless, Agender (He/It)
Sexuality: [UNKNOWN]
Species: Biologically Engineered Swamp Creature
Occupation: None.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Sid is one of my older characters, I ADORE him- his design, his art, everything about him- I'm so lucky I managed to get him when I did! I consider him a 'sona of sorts? More of a mascot than anything being one of my main characters, but does have echos of myself put into him! Please give him love, of any of my characters Sid is one of those I'd most appreciate art of!

Owner: 4DCube
Designer: GoneViral
Value: NFS
CSS: Wicked

Sid is one of my all time favourite characters, I really doubt I could ever let go of him, you'd really have to offer me something I couldn't say no to- like a house, or a million dollars... tl;dr no, you can't have him I'm sorry.

Size: Height: 3'5" Length: 10'7"
Build: Powerful and muscular, very little fat, pretty much just pure, muscular power.
Eyes: None. Senses his environment through small electrical impulses created by the two feelers located in the front of the skull, and vibrations in the ground.
Blood: Bright red- glows faintly.
Flesh: Incredibly pale, dirty green, muscle similar in consistency to a shark's flesh.
Tongue: Flat, pale green and round- similar in shape and proportions to an alligator's tongue.


  • All red markings (apart from the painted on markings on his skull) can glow at will.
  • Can only be drawn as a feral! Has no other forms.
  • Vents in the side of neck and tail are used for respiration- outside of the water they spew out a constant stream of red smoke, whereas in the water they spew out a stream of red-smoke filled bubbles and red, swirling pollution.
  • HAS TWO TENDRILS/FEELERS/ANTENNAE! Not just one! They are totally prehensile and the globes on the end glow like an angler fish's bait. They are used for both catching/luring prey and for navigation.
  • Innards are similar in structure to those of an alligator, but with the same type of muscle as a shark.
  • Optional genitalia- canonically has none but can be drawn with a pale green tentacle like phallus if so desired/requested. That would be purely indulgant though- as I said, he is canonically totally sexless.


Sid has two main personalities, the first is similar to that of a corvid- inquisitive, playful, mischievous and rather fond of anything shiny- this personality is generally his “main” personality. His other personality is what he tends to drift into when upset or forced into situations he’s uncomfortable with- behaving like a pretty mindless, animalistic and vicious creature that acts off mainly instinctual impulse. He behaves like this whenever around humans due to past trauma.

  • Eating- Crustaceans, fish (trout especially) and amphibians
  • Wallowing in mud
  • Bathing in mud
  • Hunting
  • Silence
  • Swimming
  • The shade
  • Shiny objects- Crystals, coins, objects collected from prey
  • Red/anything that is red in colour (see trivia re: how he can "see" colours)
  • Eating or hoarding red things
  • Dry places
  • Humans
  • The sun
  • Cleanliness
  • Phobia of humans
  • Temprimental
  • Quick to become agressive if his safe place is disturbed
  • Terratorial

Swift Swimming:

Massivley increased speed and agility when in water or waterlogged areas, genetically engineered to be a primarily aquatic amphibious creature, Sid's skills lie in navigating bodies of water and marshy terrain.

Venomous Barbs:

Sid's tail is tipped with two, potent, venomous barbs that can be used to paralyse and kill prey or predators- it can be lashed side to side and is used for defence of his rear half- his body being so long and somewhat cumbersome on land that his main defences (front, armoured arms and strong, toothy jaws) are unusable.

Claw Arms:

Sid's front legs are similar to a the exosceletal legs of shrimp or prawns, they are used to help navigate murky swamps, but are actually exceptionally strong- the exosceleton contains naturally occuring metalloid reinfocement, and the speed and strength of the muscles allow these claws to be used to strike, stun and kill prey or predators like a mantis shrimp.

  • Highly alert and always aware of his surroundings.
  • Overprotective of that which he deems important to him (mianly shiny and red items which he keeps in his "nest").
  • Raven level intellegence- can use some tools or objects to make his life easier if he needs.
  • Physically incredibly strong- his greatest strength is his powerful body.
  • Skittish and flighty like a threatened wild animal.
  • Short tempered and tempremental when scared.
  • Terrified of all humans or human like objects, attacking on "sight" of anything that looks vaguely threatening.
  • Very animalistic in any state of mind- not the same level of intellegance as humans which may allow him to be trapped if he is unlucky.


Sid is currently resident in a complex of thick, inaccesible, poluted swamps connected directly to a broad sewage system. Sid is incredibly terratorial of this area- his home- attacking any large creatures that wander into it in an attempt to protect his land- keeping it safe from potential threats or invasion. Currently, he is continuing his existance in peace within this isolated biome, safe away from the military and any human interference, his resistance to toxins meaning the pollutants that sadly have killed or damaged a lot of the ecosystem around him don't effect him, and he can happily live in at least temporary safety without fear of being dragged back to the militarian labratory that he was "born" in.

Sid was created as a part of a cross departmental military science experiment- Produced as the result of extreme biological engineering and biocybernetic engineering- the goal to develop a prototype “killing machine” for the army that would loyally pursue enemies in extreme environments- Sid was engineered to deal with swamps, swage systems and highly contaminated bodies of water that humans would not be able to safely or easily enter. Sid has a high tolerance to all toxins and radiation.

Sid was not “born” with the loyalty to the military that they had desired- unable to control this easily in a specimen that had a fully biological brain, they attempted to manipulate him using punishment as an incentive to be loyal to them- this did not go well.

After approximately a year of abuse from the ‘caregivers’ that kept him caged up, during one of the routine cleanings of his enclosure, Sid snapped- attacking and killing the Scientists and escaping from the department- disappearing into the sewage system of the military complex, and travelling through it until he reached open water. Sid swam as far as he could, before spending a week trudging through marshes before settling himself in the centre of a large complex of gaseous, uninhabitable, toxic swamp- well covered by thick vegetation and filled with “dangerous” animals and unpleasantly aggressive insect species- a safe place to hide, hopefully not somewhere the humans would come.

  • The venom in Sid's tail barbs is a neurotoxic venom.
  • The elctrical pulses from his feelers return like an echo from a bat's sonar- the slightest difference in voltage can allow Sid to "see" in close range, to the point of even being able to decypher certain colours- red being his favourite as it 'feels' the nicest to him when he senses the return pulse- this is the same with shiny objects.
  • If another creature was to gain his affection, Sid would likely be incredibly overprotective and keep them incredibly safe as he does with all the things he considers important.
  • Sid's body is partly biomechanical- mainly his respiration system- which allows him to breathe both in and out of water, no matter how poluted or silty the water or air is.

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