Atti and Qubles



1 year, 10 months ago


Atti and Qubles were made for galacticsmackdownoct. They never leave each other's sides so I've combined them into one character. You can learn more about them here and you can read our audition here.

We didn't get in.


Age: Seventeen earth years (Still an adolescent)

Species: Aarrafark

Height: 3 ft at the withers, 5'6 at top of head, if it's held up.

Planet of Origin: Kazandu

Personality:  Loves a good adventure. Won't shy back from a challenge. Loves spending  time around people and meeting new people. Is a go-getter – if  something needs to be done, he'll do it. Can be a bit selfish at times,  but does care about others, especially those who are close to him.

Strengths:  Pretty fast. Have sharp horns. A long, venomous tongue. Sharp cloven  hooves with legs strong enough to kick super hard. Near perfect balance  due to long tail. Good hearing due to large ears. 

Weaknesses:  Long legs are fragile. Poor eyesight. Only mediocre sense of smell.  Freezes at the sight of anything that will remind him of a  Yetsum(anything cat-like, or with lots of spikes).

Notes: He has a 5 foot long blue/gray tongue. I included the color of it on the ref, but I didn't draw it, sorry.

Color Palette:

  • Fur base #d27910
  • Markings #ffffff
  • Mane/Markings #7c2604
  • Horns/Hooves/Skin #e8cc89


Age: Ten earth years (Still a child)

Species: Ornni

Height: About 1 foot. Think the size of a cat.

Planet of Origin: Kazandu

Relation to Main: Atti's soul bonded pet

Personality:  Is a little timid in new situations, but likes to have fun. She is  intelligent, but gets distracted easily. If frightened, she tends to  hide rather than fight, unless she is certain she's going to win. 

Strengths:  Sharp claws, good at climbing, omnivorous, thick fur creates perfect  insulation, size enables it to climb into small places, tail can carry  twice it's body weight.

Weaknesses: Has a sweet  tooth, and is distracted by sweet food. Overindulges in said sweet food  and becomes ill easily. Has a low attention span, likes shiny things.  Size enables it to be sat upon or trampled easily. Naive about the  dangers in the world.

Notes: She never leaves Atti's side. There  are rumors of all sorts of bad things happening if an Aarrafark is more  than 10 ft away from their orrni. They're not too eager to test it out.
Speaks only in squeaks, but can talk telepathically to Atti.

Color Palette:

  • Fur #ffffff
  • Tail/Skin #fdbfdc