
1 year, 10 months ago


A character from my story that currently has the placeholder name of The Four.

Arete is a mountain goat. 

Personality: He’s very brave, willing to do just about anything. He’s also very loyal, he will do anything for those he becomes loyal to. Like a knight in the way he follows them. He keeps a clear head in scary situations, and is pretty good at making others feel better when they feel down. He’s kind of like a giant goaty teddy bear. Brave to a fualt. Gonna do real stupid dangerous stuff.
He’s not so independent, always needing someone to tell him what to do. Makes terrible mistakes when left to his own devices. Just really dumb mistakes. No common sense. Quick to fight too. Really impulsive. Obsessively has to win. Will not give up, recklessly so.

Abilities: Earth. Deep brown, like the earth. He can control gravity. Make things fly/float, or be glued to the ground. He also has some super strength.

Color Palette:

  • Fur #ffffff
  • Eyes/Magic #6b4a2e
  • Skin/Horns/Hooves #21150c