dolosá ocyaña (young dolosá)



7 months, 10 days ago


"you got beat by a GIRL!!!! AND I CAN SWIM, IDIOT!!!!"

Basic info


Purple and Cerulean (Blue Gem #4c12b9)

AGE 3.23 - 6.46 sweeps (depiction varies from ~7-14 human years)

75140595_3tnW7aVKt0w7KWC.png Scorcen, Sign of the Uniter

ABILITIES Blood bonded introspection

As a Seer of Blood, Dolosá has the ability to visibly see the connections she has with others. To her, it looks like literal red strings connecting from her to whoever she may have a prevalent relationship with. These strings are more like tethers and can contain information about her relationship she has with the other person. The strings only ever appear if she puts in enough focus for them to appear.

A string between her and a stranger or acquaintance would be thin to nonexistent, but a string between her and a partner, loved one, or close friend would visibly be much thicker and vibrant, radiating a red glow to represent the strength of the relationship she has with them. Feelings related to quadrants, like black rom or flushed red feelings can be indicated through strings as well.

Chucklevoodoos Mind control

As a mutant, her abilities from both castes are less penetrative and substantially weaker than those of full purple or cerulean blood. Her abilities coincide with eachother to strengthen whichever is necessary or whichever is being used to make them somewhat stronger than what they natrually would be.

She personally prefers to use her Chucklevoodoos over her general mind control abilities. Chucklevoodoos is a form of mind manipulation in itself, but it is a type of mind altercation only accessible to thise with purple blood. When used on others outside the caste, Chucklevoodoos can be used to induce paranoia, hellish visions or nightmares, manipulate actions, or utilize telepathy on whoever she may hone her power onto. Those lower than purple bloods on the hemospectrum are more susceptible while those higher than purple bloods are considerably more difficult to communicate with and are considered less effected depending on the strength of the user. For Dolosá, any use of Chucklevoodoos on anyone, no matter the blood caste is a sizeable challenge. Her powers are substantially weaker and practically reduced to being nearly, if not entirely useless, therefore making it more strenous to do due to her having to utilize multiple sources in order for her to successfully use her Chucklevoodoos.

With the slight amount of cerulean mind control abilities she has, she can use the strength from her mind control to enhance the strength of her Chucklevoodoos and apply it like a temporary enhancer. This can be very taxing on her own mental and her powers but it strengthens the output and exceeds her usual limitations she'd have without them, making her Chucklevoodoos close enough in comparisson to the average output of full blooded purple bloods.

OCCUPATION She helped around the beach in small ways when she could. She mainly helped Vitria around the shop when she was allowed to.

Careful, she bites.


HIVE A Hiveblock along the shoreline

Dolosá grew up in a makeshift neighborhood and community that was more so a small colony of hives and shops on the shoreline of the beach. This small population is exclusively home to purple clowns who are all seen as family to one another.

LUSUS Purple-blood Clowns (adoptive)

Due to being abandoned by her lusus from birth, Dolosá not only grew up traitless, but she also grew up without the proper Alternian parental influence and guidance a young troll desparately needs in their formative years. She lived washed ashore on the banks a beach where Purple trolls had found her and raised her up as a child until she ran away in her early teenage years. They were the only concept of family and unity she had known.

LIKES Citrusy fruits, cool lights, playing chase and soccer, surfing, getting free food, climbing trees, wrestling, exploring, sweet candy, listening to music, dancing, drawing in the sand, drinking faygo
DISLIKES Boys who think they're better than girls, having to sit out from games, nosy people, girly girls, corner time, loud surprises and sounds, sticklers for rules, being interrupted, wet hair touching her back, shaking peoples hands, avacados, having to share
INTERESTS/HOBBIES Collecting shells, watching Vitria cook, eating fish, breaking things, playing with Dorian, wrestling



Seer of Blood : One who Invites Knowledge of Blood or one who Invites Knowledge through Blood

Seers are the passive halves of the Visionary class, their active counterparts being Mages. Seers know their aspect and guide others around them with their knowledge of their aspect. They would be very compitent and knowledgeable individuals, likely having a knack for learning and analyzing or being natural seekers of knowledge. Seers would often be perceived as mysteriously complicated or vague by their peers due to them being rather difficult to even slightly attempt to understand. Their distinct knack for knowledge puts them in a league of their own. When they feel they are right, they won't admit ignorance so easily. The class of the Seer is not arrogant, but they are often too smart for the sake of their own good. They may appear to operate strangely but comprihensively, a Seers actions are always distinguished and well calculated ones. What may seem as sporadic and nonsensical actions will only appear that way in the short moment, as they continue to act, their plan or motive will slowly reveal itself as part of a much bigger picture and make great sense after all. It is best to have faith and trust in Seers and their judgement. They tend to have a very black and white point of view when it comes to accepting outside insight or possibilities they themselves may have not even considered. They may seem biased into believing that only they can be relied on to have the right solution, easily becoming frustrated with themselves and others when presented with possibilities that don't exactly fit their perception of how they feel things are supposed to go. A simplistic solution or answer could be easily overlooked by the Seer due to them constantly having to think outside the box. They can even obsess over the outcomes of a situation over and over until it makes no sense at all and muddles their thought process altogether. At their best, they are highly intelligent, beneficial, and insightful. At their worst, they can be overbearing, overzealous, and finicky.

The aspect of Blood embodies unity, commitments and obligations, dependence, stability, connections, attachments, and inflexibility. With the additional knowledge of both the aspect of Blood along with the class of Seer, in her coming to her journey of ascension, she would have to decipher where her loyalties lie most. Her biggest challenge would come from which bonds does she commit herself to most? What obligations or loyalties is she to stay true to? She would have to hone her ability of introspection and learn to trust her own judgement of what may be the right thing to do, who may be the right people to align herself with, or what best course of action she should take. She would also be able to see the literal foundations of what makes someones character; their strengths and their weaknesses, the statuses and strength of the bonds she may maintain with other people, or the lack therof, what or who may be tieing them down. The Seer of Blood would see the common goals, weaknesses, and relations, in others to then aid them with the proper knowledge on how to move forth, how they may make a bond flourish or how to learn to let one go.



Dolosá has small monolid eyes, purple piercing pupils, thick brows, and a dimple at the left side of her face that appears when she smiles. On her face are five moles, two side by side under her left eye, one on her right cheek, one above her left eyebrow, and one on her chin. She also has many other moles on her body. She has tall, thin, winding horns. The right is hooked and the left simply spirals.


  Good/neutral traits

  • feisty personality, corageous, and a little aggressive
  • slow to open up vulnerably with new people
  • fierceful devotion when determined
  • direct in tone and candid in speech
  • very observant and attentive
  • boisterous; playful and rowdy
  • precocious, clever
  • very brave, not one to back down from a challenge and doesn't scare easy
  • quick learner

  Bad traits

  • stubborn, can be very set in her ways
  • dislike for ambiguity or regarding that of uncertainty
  • quickly gets impatient
  • pushy, bossy, and assertive
  • snappy and irritable
  • unbiddable; uncontrollable and disobedient to a degree
  • bold, smart mouthed
  • not easily trusting of many others, high guard
  • takes her anger out anything around her
  • maladaptive regarding abrupt and major changes
  • bad sport when she's losing


  • I don't exactly remember all of the exact origins Dolosá's name basis as I never wrote them down when I made her unlike some of the others, but her first name originates from the daimon Dolos, the spirit of trickery. He is cunning and a master of trickery, deception, and treachery. When I had initially made her, I had wanted to heavily play in her having both the typical capricious purple blooded behaviors and a bit of cerulean bloods trait of deceitfulness. I later abandoned that notion of making her behave that way. Dolo is also slang for "going solo", which goes with her repetitive theme of isolation despite her being a blood player and her title being the 'Sign of the Uniter'.
  • Her last name was formerly Aresna but I changed it much later on because I honestly forgot how I had even came up with it. Her new surname, Ocyaña, directly comes from the word hemocyanin, which is a respiratory pigment that replaces of copper with iron in the blood that makes it appear blue when oxygenated instead of the typical red. Hemocyanin is typically found in some crustaceans, invertabrae molluscs, and anthropods. This is in refrence to her being a mutant and blood player.
  • Her official day of creation was June 23rd, 2022, making her born under the zodiac season of Cancer.
  • Through her intial concepts and multiple changes, Dolosá has always been a mutant and is one of my only trolls who's sign and aspect has never changed upon her initial creation and brainstorming.
  • Dolosá is Dominican and Chinese. She speaks Spanglish under the Dominican dialect and uses a lot of Mexican dialect/slang.
  • Her fins lightly flutter when she is displeased or taken aback.
  • She only has one dimple on the left side of her face.
  • When she's really disgruntled or upset, she often lets out small angered honks unbeknownst to herself. She adopted this behavior while being raised by her adoptive Purple caretakers.
  • Despite her sign being of Cerulean descent, Dolosá is considered more Purple blooded than she ever was Cerulean.
  • Due to having little to no exposure from her lusus in her primary and developemental years and instead being raised by other trolls, she is esentially quirkless besides the abilities that come from her being a part of two specific castes, though they are weaker than average.
  • As a kid she only communicated in honks for a short while since it was the easiest word/sound for her to pick up and immitate before learning to formulate proper sentences. Her first actual word she spoke though, was orange.
  • Her gold pendant is one of her most prized possesions that she rarely ever takes off. It is a precious gift and belonging of hers, she couldn't fathom losing it. It was the first gift she ever received besides the clothes on her back.
  • She was an overly aggresive child and was seemingly mad at everything which made her very prone to having frequent periods of lashing out. She's never quite had a good grasp on her emotions.
  • Her sign being resemblant to Capricorn inspired her being specifically a half purple mutant.
  • The famous indigo female wrestler, Nihkee Moolah is one of her favorite wrestlers. She loves to watch wrestling though she hasn't been allowed to much recently since she tends to roughhouse due to its influence.
  • She has a strange habit to stare intently at people or objects she takes intrigue in. This is how she became accquainted with Dorian.
  • She and Deji are distant relatives. Sort of like cousins.
  • She absolutely hates banana flavored anything. She will promptly spit it back out on the ground.
  • Dolosá really enjoys fruits, especially citrusy ones. Her favorites are mango and grapefruit currently. She's not a big fan of coconut or bananas though.
  • She doesn't really like for her hair to touch her back, especially when her hair is wet. She'll have it tied back, albeit messily, to avoid it from bothering her.
  • Her favorite flavor of faygo is orange.
  • She's never actually seen other castes of trolls in person other than other purples and the occasional violets. She's seen their blood though. She's only ever seen other trolls of other bloodcastes on television or in comics.
  • Dolosá grew up relatively sheltered. Partially for her own protection since she was a child and on top of that, a mutant. Also because thats how majority of the other purple bloods were raised on the beach, secluded from life outside of the beaches in similar aspects to her. That way of life was mostly all of them had ever known and adopted.
  • She was found as a grub on the shores of a beach. She couldv'e easily been eaten, culled, or could have even drowned. It's a miracle she survived.
  • Her fins are quite large for her size and for someone of her age. Surely she'll grow into them in time.
  • Aside from the first purple blood to inhabit and establish the beachside hives that she used to call her home, Dolosá was the first to ever stray from the beach. It was severely looked down upon to ever even speak of leaving the beach. She had left in secret once she was 6 sweeps old, around fourteen, and never looked back.
  • Dolosá only ever learned the term "mutant" and the derogatory terms that come with being one when she was about eleven.
  • She cut her hair short after she had ran away. She made a lot of drastic changes to her appearance in order to try and abandon the person she once was and the life she once lived. She made a lot of sporadic decisions around that time as well.
  • Part of her always wondered if the trolls on the beach ever ended up searching for her. They probably think she died.
  • She knows she's different from the people she's surrounded by, she's known ever since she was young enough to have a conscience and it makes her feel a sort of disconnection from others and herself she can't quite understand yet.
  • When she became older and started making few "friends" in the city, she often seemed to find that a lot of the people she knew reminded her of the purples on the beach as a way to maintain some sort of familiarity. The twins are a prime example of this, especially Malach. Sometimes it really pains her how similar they can be to people she once knew.
  • Dolosá has no gills, only fins. As a kid she felt very left out for her lack gills because she couldn't play many of the underwater games the other children often played with each other. She surfed to give her some sort of tie to the waters, constantly aware of the possibility of drowining.
  • She began surfing when she was 4.6 sweeps (~10 years old).
  • On that beach, everyone is family no matter what. No matter how far she is from them, she is still just loved as she was when she still lived there. Loved, mourned, and incredibly missed.
  • She always wanted to try and one-up the other children on the beach in whatever they all did together, especially playing games. Not to prove that she was better than them, but to prove she wasn't weak and that she could do just as much as they did alongside them. She adopted this mentality since a lot of the kids treated her different knowing that she was a mutant and had no gills. She's always felt that she needed to prove herself somehow.
  • Often too, she'd get in altercations with the other children. After a particular incident in her adolescence where she physcially assaulted another boy, they quickly left her alone and stopped picking on her. Some even feared her and socially outcasted her. No one talks about it anymore, but some kids still call her shark girl.
  • The community she grew up in was very self sufficient, albeit poor in most areas. They had their own systems of doing things, people had jobs, the had paved streets although no one had cars, and they accquired their own food. They wanted as little contact to the outside world as possible.
  • Although a majority of the population on the beach was poor, almost everyone owned jewelry. Jewelry not only established a sign of wealth, but it gave the owner a respected status. Only the community leader had the most jewelry and therefore was the most respected out of everyone.
  • Dorian is the only person she allows to call her "sharkie". It's because she knows he'd never say it and mean it to hurt her.
