Basic Info


Andrew Morton Carter


Slime boy(Oliph & other people), Andy(Alana and Harold)


November 16 (Scorpio ♏)




Genderfluid(Man, Agender, Demiboy, Paraboy)

Romantic identity:

Biromantic (Male lean)


Bisexual (No lean)




Slight British accent; sometimes uses British and Australian slang; often interrupts others when speaking; wordy sentences except for when he is sad/upset, during that time he is very concise; mostly orotund; occasionally dead; many describe his laugh as grating, much to his dislike; when upset, his voice is tight and taut; but when he is extremely upset, woo boy, his voice is more wobbly, brittle, and thick than a table with two broken legs;


Going to Jaratea




Rare steak, Ab+ blood, electric guitar music


O- blood, O+ blood, Ab- blood, A+ blood, piano music


A- blood





~ Andrew is a green slime with slime hair that has a brown-green to dark green gradient. Andrew is tall for his age. He is 6'4 with long legs, medium length arms, and a short torso. He is often seen wearing fingerless gloves and hoodies(the colors vary, but he often wears red). Occasionally, he dresses more formal(like in a suit). 

~ He often walks with a strut with his arms folded behind him or at his sides. Every now and again, he walks with with a swagger. 

~ He is often viewed as aggressive or pompous. 


~ Andrew is extremely hostile and cold to people he doesn't know. He barely lets anyone into his life, but when he does, he is noticably kinder to them. He only really cares about what his friends think of him, so he are the only people he really listens to. After all, they are the only people he has left.

~He is an extremely emotional person. His emotions often control him and his thinking. The more he covers up his emotions, the more prone he is to breaking down. When he breaks down, he absolutely SHATTERS. It takes him several hours at least to recover from his breakdowns. 

~ He is emotionally explosive, especially after covering up his emotions, and he will blow up at you if you catch him at a bad day. 

~ He is also extremely stubborn. He will not let up on his behavior unless forced. He rarely thinks about the results of his actions.




~ He is best friends with Harold. He also mutually pines for xyem. They both frequently hang out at Jaratea. They also has slept at each other's houses before.

~ He used to be best friends with Alana, but he started becoming distant with daem after he saw her flirting with Harold and not stopping when e said to. He now has become distant from her. 


~ He occasionally wears sunglasses.

~ He inherited his mother's and father's house along with all of their life insurance money.

~ He has a mostly annoyed demeanor.

~ He is a green, non-translucent, vampire slime.

~ He has to eat food and drink blood each day. He gets his blood from the local blood bank twice a week.

~ He thinks A- blood is "too sour to be deemed acceptable."