



The Revengeful Fairy

Name Cressell

Age/Height +100 y.o. / 0.25m

Gender Female (She/Her)

Orientation Demiromantic/Bisexual

Occupation Fairy of Nature

Personality Usually Sweet, revengeful

Theme Idk q v q

Revenging Mayus death


Flying around


The Dark Forest


Even more Neri

Story & Trivia

The Fairy of Nature that is one with the Forest, she cares about the blooming flowers, Gras and everything that connects nature. She was usually very sweet to everyone and spend a lot of time with their Partner Mayu, but one day Neri, a witch from the rotten woods got jealous over the Fairies being so happy and mercilessly killed Mayu who spend her last breath in Cressells arms. After this day Cressell swore herself revenge in Neri and doesn't let any stranger close to her. She will do anything to make Neri pay

-despite her height she is ready to stab your eyes out if you bother her too much

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