Audrey Haerviu



1 year, 10 months ago


High School Girl Super Hero, whose powers come from a mask she carries around in her school satchel.

   She found the lost mask while walking home, and realized it belonged to the pragmatic, long gone (and controversially macchiavelian) hero Teraton, which was idolized by her older brother (while she always made fun of him for that).
   The mask's power allow the user to change the density of their body at will, allowing both gliding and extremely powerful smashing.
   She decides to take on his power, adopt the hero name "Anvil", and reconstruct his legacy from zero, aiming to protect the common citizen, instead of letting these powers go to her head.
   However, she may learn it is easier said than done, as the mask seems to be imbued with a sinister will, aiming for fame, riches and success at all costs (perhaps the cause of Teraton's persona? Or was it his personality imprinted into the mask?)
   Struggling to balance the 3 identities of a student, a hero, and a parasite, her life only gets harder as more foes, heroes and villains alike, threaten her town, all looking to claim her mask and its powers. Is the innocent, kind soul of a teen the only force capable of holding the mask's will off?
