


2 years, 1 month ago


The Immortal City's Caged Prince - Founder Veroica's only child locked in a tower for 1700 years for the crime she and her husband committed.

Full name: Olkayedion Livstrum Ravinyl

Nickname: Ollie

A soft-spoken, sheltered individual. He is surprisingly confident, given he has never received any feedback to his theories on how the world works. Because he has had so much time to think and plan out things that he would do if he was free, he believes that he can get out of any tricky situation using his wits alone, and while his strategies are great, he severely lacks experience in any stressful situations and will cave easily before he can execute even the first step of his plans. 

Ollie prefers to be alone but doesn't mind company. He comes off as friendly, but being told that he is wrong irritates him. His own lack of practical knowledge and experience on how the world works frustrates him, and corrections to his limited worldview are a reminder of how much of his life has been stolen from him. It doesn't help that outside of books, information given to him on the outside world comes solely from birds. That being said, as a prince, he was taught to remain classy and to keep his emotions in check should he ever have the chance to talk to anyone outside of his usual visitors, meaning he won't lash out easily. His intense curiosity and willingness to learn also means he could potentially be a great student if he wasn't prone to derailing conversations by constantly interrupting with tangentially related questions.

He was born with the ability to communicate with any avian. Conveniently, small birds are the only creatures that can reach him in his tower cell. They tell him about the daily lives of random citizens, what events are going on, and relay any interesting news they've come across. He has to take what they say with a grain of salt because they're bound to misunderstand some things given how they're birds, but it's hard for him to piece together what's really going on when he lacks a frame of reference. Every bird in Alfgalana is his friend, and as much as they wish to free him, none of them are strong enough to break the window bars of his cell.