Marcy Katt



6 years, 4 months ago


Marcy Katt


Name Marcelin Katrina Freddickson
Called Marcy
Age 21 years
Gender Female
Race Caucasian
Height 5'8
Pintrest Board


  • Argumentative
  • Confident
  • Loud


  • Music
  • Video games
  • Clubbing

Marcy is the lead singer of BORDERLINE. She's the frontwoman, though shares the spotlight almost equally with Mark. She is a very energetic person and it rubs off on everyone around her. She is well liked by almost everyone she comes across. She is really hoping the bands trajectory will continue but she's also had an interst in law and is incredible at arguments.


Marcy is from a lower-class family in New York who were close friends with Ethan. Her mom thought it would help her in life if she had a rich sounding name but after moving out Marcy starting calling herself Marcy Katt rather than Marcelin Freddickson. Her childhood was pretty normal, she was a bit of a troublemaker in her youth but nothing that got her a criminal record. She moved to LA with Ethan to start a new life and try making music when they ran into Mark and a karaoke bar (with fake IDs). The band has slightly taken off giving them 1 Billboard 100 song and a strong fanbase but not enough to support each of them individually. Marcy and Evelyn met at a coffee shop when Marcy was working there, they have been dating for 2 years now. Marcy has started working as a secretary at a law firm that she got through Evelyn's conncetions at the college, though it came with the strings attached that Marcy needs to study part time, which she will continue until/if the band takes off.


  • Marcy is highly addicted to nicotine and mostly smokes cigarettes because 'vapes aren't as cool'.
  • Marcy's natural hair colour is platinum blonde but she dyes it pink.
  • Despite what most people think, Marcy loves kids and really wants some of her own.
  • Marcy has never subscribed to a sexuality, she just likes people sometimes.
  • Marcy has a dragon sleeve on her right arm and a cool back tattoo i haven't decided on yet.



Evelyn Shoals [ girlfriend ]

Marcy and Evelyn have been dating for 2 years and have a very healthy relationship.


Ethan Beat [ best friend ]

Ethan and Marcy are childhood friends and as close as friends can be.


Ana Hann [ friends ]

Marcy and Ana get along most of the time though Marcy finds Ana a bit much.