


1 year, 9 months ago


♪ Music to listen to♫

| Seer of Light | Derse Dreamer | Violet Blood |

She's very smart, and very sophisticated. She likes Ancient Egyptian mythology and incorporates that into her looks (Middle Eastern Alternian). She comes across as rather intimidating to most people because of how she looks and generally carries herself. However she's very nice once you get to know her, but is very careful as to not get too close. She has trouble with relationships. She has a fear of being judged for how she thinks, even though she's very intelligent. She's afraid of getting hurt. She's artsy, and reviews fanfiction and stories online on her blog that is totally black, purple, & gold aesthetic. 

Her strife specibus is knives, and anything with a point. She even has knives on her heels which she uses for battle. 

She has a curvy/chubby build but it's hard to see with the clothes/reproduction of Hussie's style. She's also wearing a crush velvet top;;;

If you're not familiar with Homestuck, trolls have gray skin, orange scleras and horns. Her blood color is purple like Eridan's which means if there were blush it would be a dark purple. Also, in their Godtier outfit trolls grow wings the same color as their blood color.