
2 years, 1 month ago


This is Doe, a scout for the savages

She and her siblings  Buck and Moose are a team dubbed The Deer. The three of them work  together very well, almost like reading each other's minds. 

Doe is small  and fast. She is also very good at being sneaky. Her skillset is more spying and cat burglering. She as smart as Buck, and the two will discuss plans, but ultimately she lets him take the lead and especially do all the talking. She's not much for small talk.  

The three of  them were sort of barn cats before they joined the savages. In that  they lived in a barn on a farm. But they weren't cared for by twolegs  and in fact the twolegs hated having them around. Their parents were  either killed, captured, or chased off by the twolegs, I haven't  decided. But yeah, sneaking around the twolegs is part of where they  learned to be so sneaky.

She followed Buck's plan to join the teeth, though she's pretty annoyed at it. She complains a lot about Tooth and how shitty of a leader he is, all carefully out of earshot of Tooth himself, of course.