


6 years, 5 months ago


Name Neneko

Age 19

Birthday July 29

Star Sign Leo

Gender Female

Species Kenomimi

Height 5'2"

Orientation Panromantic

Occupation Waitress


  • Pastel Aesthetics
  • Onigiri
  • Cute Things

  • Chipped Nails
  • Large Rocks
  • Shallow People

  • The Puffling on her head is name Rice.
  • She has anxiety about potential zombie apocolypses.
  • Is crepuscular.

My queen says I have special eyes, hehe.

While very cute upon first glance, there's a certain ominous edge lying behind those golden eyes. Sure, Neneko is friendly and peppy, but she always seems to know a bit too much about everyone she meets. While her strange information is never used with ill-intent, it is still off-putting beyond belief. No one is exactly sure how or why she has this ability to know things, but it simply seems to be a part of her.

Other than her uncanny knowledge, Neneko is a very friendly and cheerful, always wearing a large smile on her face. She is more than happy to always lend a helping hand to those around her, even if it is going out of her way to do so. She's very animated, talking with her hands and speaking loudly in an exaggerated way to get her points across. She tends to be the optimist and rather fearless, but she has an irrational fear of the supernatural.