


2 years, 1 month ago






Goes by he/him, but doesn't really understand mortal gender

Doesn't have a specifc label, will date anyone

6' 3"



In a romantic relationship with Atlas

Finnigan is the god of Trickery and Trinkets. He once used to live  among mortals, throwing elaborate parties in his manor for anyone to  join. He was known for being one of the more rambunctious gods, even  throwing pranks or tricking his followers. Eventually, Finnigan grew  disheartened with the small life span of mortals. He felt as if they  were constantly cycling through, never giving him the chance to actually  bond with one. He started locking himself away, not interacting with  mortals or answering their calls. He grows curt, cold, and gains a since  of self importance over mortals because of his longer lifespan.

he eventually agrees to help Marsh and Atlas with their situation.  He doesn't get along with Atlas at first. Atlas doesn't treat Finnigan  with any respect or admiration, something that Finnigan came to expect  from mortals. He thinks Atlas is rude, disrespectful, and lacks the  common decency he ought to have. Over time, especially in seeing his  connection Marsh, Finnigan grows to respect these traits in him. Atlas's  ability to be down to earth helps Finnigan get out of his own head, and  the fact that Atlas treats him like any other mortal helps Finnigan  redevelop his identity outside of his godhood.

Marsh makes him uncomfortable at first. She doesn't fear him, so  she treats him like she does every other authority figure. Marsh pulls  pranks on him and constantly pokes fun at him. He gets very snide with  her, partly because he feels he deserves respect, but mostly because  Marsh reminds him of the younger version of himself. She serves as a  reminder of who he once was and the happiness he lost. As the two become  closer, Finnigan starts to loosen up and enjoy himself more.



Born into godhood, he was known for throwing rambunctious parties for the mortals in town. After a while, the short life span of mortals lead to his mortal friends dying generation by generation. Adventually, this lead him to become shut off and reclusive, becoming less like the adventurous spirit he once was.






 Design Notes 
  • Starts the story with white wings/hair but it changes to a natural color for story reasons :)

song title // artist

"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, cras ac vulputate mi, imperdiet aliquam leo"