Wei Wu



1 year, 9 months ago



+ hardworking . smart . reliable . studious . blunt . stubborn . intense . uptight -

Wei would most likely describe themselves as a rather boring person. They enjoy routine and mundane activities and get easily annoyed by surprises and unexpected outcomes. Everything about them is rather reliable. You can always count on Wei to get contracts edited and signed in a timely manner and check over court cases with a well read and studied eye. They thrive on paperwork, reading the fine print and frivilous jargon with ease. But don't let that fool you, they have worked incredibly hard for these skills. Hours have gone into reading briefs and precedent cases in order to get the just the right information for the case at hand. They put effort into their work not only for themselves but for their team.They try to keep themselves rather unassuming, a stoic expression usually donned on their face and a monotone tone of voice. However they just don't really know how to express themselves. They aren't a very social person and have a difficult time connecting and communicating with others. They tend to be percieved as rude or mean due to the blunt nature of their speech. When going over briefs they can be incredibly intense and stubborn. They tend to treat their word as law and have a difficult time admitting they're wrong. They can be seen as incredibly uptight and even spoiled due to their lavish upbringing, however this is mostly just ignorance due to their high society upbringing.

In General, Wei is just a quiet anad tired law student trying their best in and out of the courtroom. They do their best to help out their colleagues despite their abrasive tendencies. They just need to get out of their shell a little bit.

  • finished paperwork
  • smell of drying ink
  • classical music
  • freshly pressed slacks
  • messy workspaces
  • sudden physical touch
  • dirt and germs
  • confrontation

TL;DRLegally Blonde meets She's the Man Wei is the child of New Bailey socialites. They went to university in order to escape an arranged marriage and fell in love with Law on the way. They were disowned by their family and pursued law school. They applied to the Rookie Law Program by accident and are doing their best.

Wei was born to one of the most prominent families in New Bailey society, the Wu family. As one of the oldest families in New Bailey, the Wus reeked of old money, an ancestor having made it big in the mining industry overseas years ago. The family was known for hosting large extravagant parties where they showed off their wealth and flaunted their children around like prizes to be won. The Wu children, of course, got only the best of best education, private tutors and boarding schools that produced politicians, entrepreneurs, and, of course, fine wives to be married off to the highest bidder. To marry in to the Wu family was an incredible win for the social climbers of society. And to marry a Wu meant you were set for life as the family valued loyalty and family connections most of all. To be connected to a Wu was a guarantee of a good life. But life wasn't perfect in the guilded cage Wei was trapped in. From a young age, Wei was trained to be the perfect wife. Their only meaning in life was to look pretty and maintain a household. Eventually pop out a few kids and begin the cycle anew.

Wei was largely ignored by their parents, being the middle child and the second oldest daughter, they had better things to do than to spend their energy trying to reel in a girl who simply did not want to be pushed into the mold. They assumed when the time was right, she would grow out of her behavior and settle down and have a family. Despite everything, the Wu siblings were actually quite close, having raised one another (with the assistance of nannies and maids) in their parents absence.

Wei had always loved reading and had quickly gone through all the books in their home's moderate personal library by the time they were twelve. They were regularly caught hiding somewhere on the home's spacious grounds (usually up in a tree where no one would think look for a lady) by a maid or groundskeeper hiding some sort of book. Eventually, desperate to find something new to read (and a new escape from the soul crushing reality that was their life), they started pestering their brothers, allowed to go to boarding school while the girls were stuck at home with private tutors, for new reading material. Wei tore through every book they could get their hands on, sending detailed letters to their brothers about the newest material they had just read and urging for more books to be sent home.

As a lady, it was Wei's place to be married off to another high ranking family to establish business and family ties. Their older sister had already been married off years prior and it was Wei's turn as a woman about to be of age. She begged and pleaded to her father to put off the wedding for a few more years, to just allow Wei to get a college education before settling down. Her father begrudgingly agreed under the assumption that while Wei was away at school getting their education, they would meet someone beneficial to the family and get married. As the family's historical home was on the outskirts of New Bailey, far from the city center where the university lied, Wei was permitted to stay in the city as long as they stayed with family. Wei ended up staying with their second eldest brother, Wen, who at the time was studying law to become a politician.

Living in the city with their brother was Wei's first real taste of freedom and they absolutely adored it. There was something so wonderful and fresh about being outside of the family's estate with only minimal supervision. However, this bliss was only short lived when Wei found out their brother was planning on dropping out of their law program to pursue medicine. As a high ranking socialite, medicine was not a profession that Wen was allowed to pursue, being called a commoner's calling by their father. Wen had snuck away enough of a savings to pay for schooling and was planning on disappearing from the family to follow their dreams. This caused an incredibly heated fight between the siblings as Wei did not want to be punted back to living on the family estate. Wei knew the moment their parents found out Wen was no longer attending school, Wei would be forced to move back in with the family and get married. So, they came up with a compromise. Wen would go to medical school. And Wei would attend law school in Wen's place. The plan was perfect. The family didn't care enough about Wei's education to really notice if she was going through her classes or not, but they would be watching Wen's law school attendance and grades.

So, Wei cut off their hair and started attending law school. The plan didn't work entirely how the siblings had anticipated. They were quickly caught by the school's administration who contacted their father. Wei and Wen were forced back into their places. But it wasn't a complete loss, somewhere along the lines, Wei found their passion for law. Wei wasn't used to being good at things, if anything they had spent most of their life criticized for not being ladylike enough or not being enough like their sisters. But in law school, Wei excelled. They studied incredibly hard and got extremely high marks in the short time they were allowed to attend for Wen, and once they got a taste of that they refused to let go of it. And that was how Wei and Wen became the black sheep of the family. While Wei wasn't completely disowned like their brother, they were an incredible disappointment to their father. He continued to pay for Wei's schooling and lodgings as agreed, lying in wait for Wei to fail and come running back to the family, but the moment never came. Wei finished their undergraduate university schooling with some of the higest marks in their graduating year and got accepted into a prestigious law school program. Wei was incredibly excited to be continuing their education and to become a lawyer.

However, things didn't exactly pan out the way they wanted them to. After all, their father had only agreed to let Wei finish their University education. Honestly, he was hoping they would find a good man to settle down with during their time in school and forget about this silly education endeavor, but that never happened. So, it was expected for Wei to come back to the family and get married. Everything was already arranged by the family. But Wei refused, wanting to pursue their dreams. So they got an ultimatum. Wei could fall in line and get married like they were supposed to in order to keep the family happy, or they could follow their dreams and go to law school. For Wei, the choice was easy and like their sibling Wei was disowned by the family, never to return unless they were willing to bend to their father's wishes. Luckily, their lifestyle was somewhat maintained by their mother sending checks in the mail, the most affection Wei would ever get from the woman in their life. Wei "scraped by" (meaning their lovely uptown town home was maintained by only a small staff and could no longer afford frivolous luxuries) learning to live their new life free from the restrictive life imposed upon them by their father. And somehow, despite it all, Wei was finally happy. With this new chapter in law school, Wei worked incredibly hard to maintain their grades and learn all they could. They strove for internships and took any opportunity they could to beef up their resume. Wei maintained excellent grades and just as before, was one of the top students of their prestigioius law program. Years seemed to go by in a hearbeat and they were in their final year of Law school, ready to collect the last of their hours and take the bar exam. Wei was to become a real lawyer if it was the last thing they did.

Somewhere along the way Wei found the Rookie Law Program. With all the internships and programs they ahd applied to, they must have overlooked it. They were looking for more opportunities to learn, they still had many hours to collect in order to qualify to take the bar exam. Truthfully, they should have done more research as a fourth year law student, but they were so tired. From the sounds of it, Wei had thought it was some sort of mentorship program when they applied. How could they have known they would just be thrown in the deep end like this? Majority of Wei's experience was in law theory. They were in no way shape or form ready to actually be a lawyer. They hadn't even taken the bar exam yet! But like all other things in their life, they wouldn't quit. They decided they would take the Rookie Law Program in stride and see where it would take them. And so, this new chapter begins.

  • A member of main Wu line, their eldest brother is set to be the next patriarch of the family
  • Middle child of seven, second oldest daughter
  • Caffeine and Sugar Addiction
  • You can befriend them similarly to how you would befriend an npc tbh
  • Rich kid life; severely out of touch
Mun Info
  • emt#6969
  • em/emt (all pronouns ok)
  • PST (GMT+8:00); California Time
  • Hi I'm Em! I've been rping like 10+ years at this point so I guess it's a hobby now! Here to have fun and vibe in between class and work!

Wen Wu (30 . he/they) Second eldest sibling

Despite the rather hostile environment their family situation has created over the years, Wei and Wen maintain a rather good relationship.


Character Name

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Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.

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