


1 year, 8 months ago


4* Electro Polearm — Fontaine

Growing up in a poor family with only him and his mother he grew up in a rough manner. They lived in the backstreets of Fontaine, far away from the bright and colorful main streets. His mother was a drunk and out of the house most of the day because she couldn’t stand seeing what had happened to her and her son. She worked dirty jobs to afford alcohol which led Nico to begin to steal to survive. At first, he would get chased down and taught a lesson by store vendors. Eventually though, he learned which paths, which times, everything he needed to flawlessly steal what he needed. Nico knew what he was doing wasn’t right but there was no other way to put food on the table for him and his mom. After coming home one day Nico found his mom home for once and was overjoyed, but the situation turned grim. Nico had no clue what his mom did when she was out and about, but she seemed to have racked up a debt. The debt collectors turned to violence and Nico didn’t know what to do in order to save his mother. He ended up jumping in, beginning to fight the debt collectors even knowing he was a weak boy that couldn’t do much. Just as it seemed as his consciousness was about to slip away Nico saw something purple sparkle in his vision and the debt collectors seemed to back away. Waking up, he was left with a glowing Electro vision and his mothers corpse. Nico sat there for a long time, staring at his vision. “If my mother had to be the sacrifice for this, I don’t want it.” He abandoned his vision and for years he continued living in Fontaine alone, working up enough money to leave the country and go somewhere else. On the day of his departure, he stared at his vision which he was so determined to abandon, seeing as it was granted at the life of his mother, and pondered. The tiny room in the dark backstreets of Fontaine was left empty, nothing to be found, no vision. “Instead of rejecting you, I will think of you as my mothers will put into physical form.” Nico knew what his mother was like and knew it was stupid to think she would ever leave anything behind for him, but he loved her regardless. Steeling himself he sailed thundering seas to make his way to Inazuma. Nico arrived in the springtime and took this as a welcoming sign for a new beginning.


Animal: “Snakes, because we used to get them in the house a lot. They comforted me when I was alone and they remind me of someone.”

Food: “Yakisoba. After meeting Itto, this is all he would cook. Had to learn how to cook on my own to get some variation.”

Color: “Yellow. I wanted to distance myself from the color purple and it stuck.”

Memory: “Sailing the ocean. The wind was nice before I got to Inazuma. I was alone but it was strangely comforting. I thought about throwing my vision in the sea a lot.”

Person: “Itto.”

Season: “The spring, because it’s pretty and signifies new beginnings. That’s the time I arrived in Inazuma as well.”

Scenery: “Early morning on the mountains. The sun peaks over the horizon and the sky is tinted a nice yellow.”

Hobby: “Cooking. I picked it up after coming to Inazuma since I didn’t have access to it before for a long time. It’s fun to share it with people.”

Flower: “Lily of the valley. They’re pretty and have a nice meaning. I find them endearing.”

Was used to the cold and actually preferred it since it gave him a sense of homeliness, but after meeting Itto he has become very sensitive to cold and can’t handle it well.

Never really cared about the flavor of food until he tried Inazuma food and it has become his favorite since.

Pre-Vision Hunt