Castalia Shepherd



1 year, 9 months ago


main character from the dream I lovingly refer to as the "homeless barge witch dream"

So we start on a beach, with a woman giving birth. It’s hard, and terrible, and blood mixes with the surf, but she delivers twins who, at the time, are both afab. She goes home, which is where we find out so much more.

So the barge witch lives out on the water, on bigass boats. It’s a given fact of this dream universe that there wasn’t enough room on land for all the people, which was really an excuse to get rid of all the undesirable people and put them out onto the ocean on these large boats. They live off of fishing for the most part and live out on the water, only occasionally coming to land when absolutely necessary

and the leader of the barge is the Barge Witch. Who has magic.

The second thing about this universe that you need to know is that magic is heritable, and it passes from parent to child. If you only have one child, it passes to them, if you have more than one child, you are capable of choosing which of them will inherit the magic upon your death. This point is very important, because it’s the driving conflict of the dream.

Another important point is that magic folk don’t like cain and abel type situations, and so they can’t murder their siblings to become the only child. Or well, they can’t directly murder their competition, or they are corrupted and they cannot inherit the magic. Indirectly, however, they can go ham.

Which is where Evil Son comes in. Over the course of her life, the Barge Witch has had many children, but the oldest of which is Evil Son - who wants very much to inherit the magic. And the Barge Witch loves him, because he is her son, but he knows that given the option she would never allow him her magics (which is part of the reason she has tried for more children).

But Evil Son has been sabotaging her. After all, it’s not killing someone if he puts them in dangerous situations and they end up dying.

So the first half of this dream is the Evil Son trying to place his new baby siblings in dangerous situations, notably near the ledges of very high places. However, the Barge Witch was able to get to her children before they could fall to their deaths. It’s at that point that she realizes that they will not be safe here, and that she needs to leave to protect her children.

That’s when we get a FLASHBACK

we get to meet the twins father, who was in a fancy speed boat and was clearly wealthy and well off (the oceans are supposed to be the homes of the homeless but of course the wealthy invade their space anyway). but this man was kind, and he loved her, and she loved him. He asked her to go with him, but she wouldn’t leave her people. It was only after he left she found out she was pregnant

so of course, the Barge Witch decides that she needs to find this man who can protect their children who, at this point, are toddlers? So like, there’s a random timeskip in here because dream logic idk maybe it’s the magic

but they’re followed by Evil Son who is absolutely FURIOUS

anyway there’s some dramatic confrontations where the twins are trapped behind a magical invisible wall and can’t go forward and Evil Son is gaining on them and their mother goes to their defense and Evil Son straight up tries to kill her in a fit of madness while allowing the twins to run to the house of a friend who can protect them

(at this point the twins are like,, 6? more magic dream timeskips)

the mother actually ends up killing Evil Son i think? Right then and there? and she feels so terribly about it oof

and even though they’re safe now she still decides to continue their quest to find the twins father and her lost love etc etc. and eventually they get to an airport. The Barge Witch erects a small wooded area to shelter them, and then goes out and lures her ex over to it, who actually turns out to have been a prince this whole ass time like shits wilding

and then she introduces him to the twins, who are now a boy and a girl and i choose to believe one of them is trans instead of it being changeable dream logic and he’s crying bc he’s always wanted kids and stuff

and once more, he asks the Barge Witch to come with him and be with him, just like he did out on the ocean all those years ago. They’re not on the ocean now, they’re on land, but the Barge Witch slips her hand in his and tells him yes

and then i woke up but they all totally live happily ever after the end