Hibiki Mori



1 year, 8 months ago



🗴Name: Hibiki Mori
🗴Type: Hacker
🗴Age: 17
🗴Gender: male
🗴Nationality: japanese
🗴Occupation:hacker[ partner:Grant]
🗴Appearance: [optional only if you have a picture]
🗴Digivice Appearance: black,pink and purple. It looks like the one form kizuna
Alignment:Chaotic neutral 

Strengths: Very skilled with technology and hacking. Not only this, he is really good with the basic subjects(math,reading,history and science). Hibiki is also good at keeping his self hidden
Weakness: He lacks physical strength and doesn’t work too well with others. Hibiki has as hard time opening up to folks, staying to his self
Likes:rock and heavy metal music, energy drinks, green tea,Chim-ie[a rat rabbit cartoon character], online gaming, dark places, Flo, Grant, his mother, naruto noodles
Dislikes: his father, happy cheery things, the “power of friendship” stuff,being outside, anyone who messes with people close to him, being used



 🙤In Depth🙦
At the core..



Normally Is rather cool, calmed and collective, just like a certain relative of his. Tends to work from the shadows and strikes when the time is right. He is known to be the second smartest in his family, so he is rather intelligent. Hibiki isn’t a people person, he gets abit anxious around a large group of people. Silent and quiet he rather stays to his self if can help it.

At one time, Hibiki was a nice person, he tried his best to help others. He didn’t notice that people were using him for a while. Once he figured it out, he kept his distance from everyone else and became a shut in. Not only was he angry with those around him, he became upset with the world. The boy once wanted to pay back those who used him like a tool

Despite being edgy, he’s really great once you get to know him



Hibiki always had a hard life growing up and was expected to do great things. According to his father, he was supposed to be the man of the house, Well..he wasn’t tough at all, he was fragile and his sisters normally walked over him. He tried his best to become a “man” but he was nothing more than a mere boy who just wanted to do the things he loved. Unfortunately, his mother really couldn’t help poor Hibiki thanks to their ties with his father’s family.

He spend his days with his face stuffed in his computer, teaching his self some basic coding and playing many, many online games. He did have a bright mind, just like his uncle..and caught alot of attention like his uncle. His father hated that he was a computer geek like his brother and wanted Hibiki to study something else other than computer programming. The medical field..it was perfect for him! He was smart, so why not?

Then, Florina entered the picture. He wasn’t sure about her, Hibiki was certain that his father was plotting to do something crazy..maybe make money off of her? Make her become a doctor as well? He wasn’t sure, but Hibiki had opened up to her. He shared his games and even his beloved Chim-ie stuff animal with her

Time skip into the future and Hibiki had found his way into the digital world, going there with Florina. However, he was separated form her. Since his time in the digital world, alot of stuff has happened. He found a partner and even became controlled by a sinister digimon




.Code repair: Has the ability to repair the coding of a program. The more complex, the longer it can takeCode corruption: Is able to corrupt the code of a program, making it rampant. Altering:  Can alter coding and programming to a degreePortal/dimension creating: ya know..Basic software creating: Can create software and programs( think the functions a digivice have)Basic medical skills 

