Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warning

Please proceed with caution, this profile has characters that may contain the following elements:

  • violence/gore/assault
  • body horror/multieye
  • bright colours
  • manipulation/blackmail/controlling behaviour
  • bug/bug imagery
  • characters being mentally unwell
  • mentions/depictions of mass death and/or warfare
  • mentions/depictions of racism, bigotry, or ableism
  • mentions/depictions of the use of drugs, alcohol, smoking, et.
  • religious imagery

Before you follow/Interact

Proceed with caution when flipping through my characters. Most will have warnings on their profiles, but some may slip through the cracks. Please inform me if so, I don't mind! Please do not ask if a character is for sale if they are not in my For Sale/Trade folder, with some exceptions.

Do Not Interact

Never interact with me or my characters if:

  • You have facist views, are anti LGBTQ+, racist, xenophobic, etc.
  • If you, IN ANY WAY, think zoophilia/beastiality is okay, and/or are a part of the zoo community.
  • If you, IN ANY WAY, think pedophilia is okay, and/or are a part of the pro-ship/Minor Attracted Persons/whatever you want to call yourselves communities.
  • If you are an AI prompter or use AI to create "artwork."
  • Are a terf/transphobe.
  • Are a part of the MAGA crowd (highly doubt they'd be on here, but gotta make sure).
  • Are against neopronouns/xenogenders (it's okay if you struggle to remember them tho! We're willing to help out)


You may interact, but I will be wary of you if:

  • You draw only NSFW content.
  • That's it...for now.


The following users are blacklisted:

  • BrickRolled/BlizzardBrick (General Behaviour, Rulebreaking in SEVERAL Groups, Emotional Manipulation. We have recipts.)
  • No one else yet...


The lists below are rules to my profile, characters, and artwork/literature. This tab does NOT contain all of my character permissions, and does NOT contain my commission TOS

You may not

You may not do any of the following:

  • Leave ANY kind of NSFW or suggestive comments/artwork on my, or my character's, profiles.
  • Use my art for commerical purposes without consent.
  • Compare my art/characters to others unless specified otherwise.
  • Offer on characters not in the For Sale/Trade folder, unless specified otherwise.
  • Depict my characters as any other race, ethnicity, or gender (Shapeshifer characters, of course, may change species).
  • Ship any of my characters unless specified otherwise, or are given permission.
  • Directly copy or steal my characters, artwork, or literature.

You may

You may do any of the following:

  • Message me directly about commission or character inquieries.
  • Do what you wish with adopted characters, so long as you follow my character TOS.
  • Add my characters to dreamies/wishlist/etc. folders.
  • Take inspiration from my characters or stories.
  • Draw or write my characters with yours (especially for artfight, just keep universe/scale in mind!)
  • Simplify complex designs, so long as they are still recognizeable as that character.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!