Sebastián Péres



1 year, 10 months ago


- gay / he/him / taken (Jack) -

Born in - Puerto Vallarta Mexico

Lives in - Toronto

Body - Overweight / above healthy weight by a bit

- 5"7

Likes - Surfing, chocolate, his boyfriend, his hair, his attractive gene he got from his baba (Carlos)

Dislikes - His ex, his family's old-fashioned ways


Sebastián moved to Toronto with a childhood friend at 23 and finally met his internet friend. Since he's gay, he finally allowed himself to show it where at home he couldn't because his family are very homophobic. Once he met up with his internet friend, he introduced me to his friends and boyfriend, Jack. Oh, was Sebastián falling head over heels for Jack. Since he knew Jack was taken, he started dating one of Will's friends but he wasn't the best. He was leading Sebastián to his death because he was becoming a Anorexia Coach in a way to Sebastián and he then started suffering with Anorexia. After a while, he broke up with his boyfriend and Jack also got broken up but in a more positive reason to it. Jack and Sebastián got more closer and even started having feelings for each other, then on New Years Eve (Sebastián was then 24) they kissed on the stroke of midnight and started dating. 

Two years later, he and Jack adopted a baby girl called Violet. They kept the name that her biological parents gave her. Unfortunately, Sebastián was struggling more with his Anorexia. So much so, he got put in a E.D. hospital. One of the nights of being there, he decided to make a run for it, but it only lead to him falling unconscious and being barely alive. Thankfully, he survived and that scare was one of his reasons to try and recover at which he did. So, he and Jack and their daughter Violet was a great family.