Briste (Briste Pond)



3 years, 1 month ago


Briste Pond
24 Moons
Turkish Angora and Moggy
Commoner, Assassin
Agender Molly
Briste Pond is the name of a bastard of Marshfall, something she's known she was for quite a long time. When she was 6 moons old, she was tortured for a few days for something she didn't understand- a father she had never known, but who had apparently given her birth mother a great deal of money. Afterward, she was taken by a strange tom to Dune's Hold, and taught how to defend herself and support herself- through crime. She has become a deadly killer, an assassin for hire. She doesn't hate her job in any means of the word- so perhaps she was never a good cat at all. But no one can say that she isn't efficient.
Briste is the definition of apathy about her life and situtaion, and rare is it to see any expression at all.
LIKES: Briste has a mindset that lends itself more to negatives than positives. However, she can always find comfort and enjoyment in good food, and practicing her fighting. She doesn't mind the thrill of a real fight, either- in fact, it's very comforting to her.

DISLIKES: Briste's hatred of the world and her circumstances results in her disliking most things. She hates her job- though not the actual killing, just the tedium. She hates socializing, aside from Rum. She hates herself, especially, though she doesn't realize.
TW/CW: Torture

The first few moons of Briste's life were peaceful. She was born to a young woman named Illumi, her surname Pond because... well, Briste was a bastard. Her father was a tom from an esteemed family, Arthur Thorn, though Briste has never known his name.

The Thorns paid a mighty sum to Briste's mother when she was born, intended to support the child. Illumi insisted that he would have raised Briste if he had been allowed- but his family's pressures had not allowed for that, and so Briste was alone with her mother.

When she was 12 moons old, the Stepping Stone Massacre occurred. It was an evisceration of The Thorns- and Briste watched as Illumi was killed trying to defend her, and she herself was then taken hostage.

They questioned her about the money Illumi had been given, and despite repeated insistence that she didn't know where her mother had hidden it, the bandits tortured the child for days. She lost an eye, and many scars were permanently left marking her body.

Briste finally managed to get a single foreleg free. She panicked trying to protect herself, and drove her arm into the eye socket of the cat trying to pin her down again. She killed him instantly, of course- and when the Man in the Cloak arrived, it was to see Briste painted in the blood of the man to her elbow, struggling to untie herself.

The Man in the Cloak took her away from Marshfall, to a place called Dune's Hold. He taught Briste to defend herself, and support herself through assassins work. Her magic was perfect for it, having manifested soon after her torture- she could meld with shadows.


Once she was stable, and 18 moons old, he left her, and she began to support herself and help one other kid in the area- another shadow user, a child named Rum Blackmane.

Rum was only 6 moons younger than Briste, but Briste became protective of her, and spent much of her extra time there. They are independent agents, and don't always stay near one another, though their magic compliments one another, and Briste views her as a sister figure.

RUM BLACKMANE (Best Friend ; Father's Cousin)
Briste cares deeply about Rum, as the younger cat is the only one she's managed to find since she was taken and tortured who she cares about at all. She is very protective of Rum, almost possessive, because she has so little in the way of family. Rum is like a little sister to Briste- and her best friend.
Briste does not yet know her aunt at all, nor does her aunt know her. Amyra may know OF her, but given the way the Stepping Stone Massacre occurred, she is unlikely to think Briste alive at all. Briste in turn would be resentful of her aunt- for having things, and for knowing things, for having always been a Thorn and for knowingly partaking in the keeping of Briste away from her father- Amyra's brother. Even if it had been for the political best.
CHARACTER (relationship)
Describe their relationship here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.
  • Briste can be drawn with or without her blindfold, but it's more common for her to wear it
  • Briste's facial markings are asymmetrical
  • Briste's scars are asymmetrical, she is missing one eye
  • Briste's eyes are golden
  • Briste is a reltively shorthaired cat
  • Briste is a powerful combatant and is usually in deadpan
  • Briste is the bastard and now orphaned daughter of Lord Arthur ThornBriste%20Pond%202.png
  • She knows she's of noble blood in Marshfall but not her true identity
  • Briste and Rum do not know they are second cousins, but are close like sisters
  • Briste is an extremely dangerous combatant, she shoots to kill from the start
  • Briste's magic is the ability to merge with shadows, at least that's the extent of it she's aware of
  • Briste has lived on the streets since she was 6 moons old or so, and is scrappy because of it
  • Briste trains in excess, both magic and physically
  • Briste enjoys hunting and other sports like it
  • Briste is a big foodie
  • Briste likes heights and climbing the buildings in Dune's Hold
  • Briste is interested in horses but hasn't had much of a chance to work with them
  • Briste is resentful of what happened to her, and as such is fixated on "overcoming" that tragedy

"It's been a long day, and a conversation sounds like nothing but a headache. Leave me alone."