[SPECIES] Hoodlings



1 year, 9 months ago
Trade Listing


YES You may make your own, just follow the basic appearance traits and add them to the world
Name: Hoodlings

Small and chubby canine/like body covered in either short, medium or long fur. Short and round snake-like snout, with small canine teeth that aren't very sharp. 1 set of small dull horns that can glow. They have excess skin and fur around their neck that resembles a hood, there is small muscles at the base of the hood so they can flip the hood over their head and slide it back off on their own. Located just under the base of the hood and above their collarbone is 2 hood-like tendrils. These tendrils can vary on the pattern and the shape of the end. They can move these tendrils and use them like a pair of arms. They can appear short but can stretch them to reach further. They have short and chubby legs ending in paws, with soft pawpads and no claws. They have a fur tail that varies in length and style. They commonly have big ears that can't fit in their hood.

Hoodlings are omnivore but highly prefer fruit and nuts.

Hoodlings are the perfect companion and usually are brought in as a pet in an early stage. From there they grow and learn and adapt to the lifestyle of their human companion. Learning their fears, hobbies and body language, as to better comfort their human in times of need.
They use their hood tendrils to hold hands with their humans, if they have a pouch they use it to transport or keep safe items of great sentimental value to their human. They have an invisible marking on their chest that comes in many colours and shapes, but are visible when their chest glows. Usually the colour and shape adapts as the Hoodling grows to match their human, like their favourite colour. Usually they glow to help their human in the dark, or if their human is afraid of the dark. They have incredibly soft fur they take pride on preening, and require only a bath once a month on average. They have a soft purr that has healing properties like cats.
They get along well with most other pets, but if the other pet is prone to jealously, the Hoodling may not adapt well (usually good to introduce both in their early years). But get along extremely well with another Hoodling

Extremely smart creatures. They can recognise languages, even sign language. And love to solve puzzles for enjoyment. Their intelligence on average matches that of a 5 year old.

Hoodlings have small litters of 1-3 pups, and usually only breed once in their life. They are born blind so rely heavily on scent and sound. They open their eyes around 2-3 weeks, as well as they start to move around a lot more at that age.
Hoodlings live on average 50-60 years if kept care of well.

As a Hoodling gets into their final years, their chest loses its glow and they become more slow and sluggish. Their fur not as soft as they struggle to clean themselves. They require more care. Sadly older Hoodlings don't get as much love as they can be a lot to take care of, so they can sadly get abandoned. Though there is groups out there that rescue elder Hoodlings where they live the rest of their lives in retirement homes, getting a lot of snuggles and naps with the eldery folk (and they are also taken care of by the staff there).

Hoodlings commonly are kept as pets are it's extremely rare to see one in the wild.


If you have any questions about the species, feel free to ask in the comments. The questions do help me with worldbuilding too.