Dean Watson



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Dean Edward Watson

True Name

Jonathan Appleby




Cis Male (He/Him)






High school teacher


General Info:

A dangerous and uncaring man, he will happily use other people for his own gain. Other people are merely a stepping stone to him, he's more than happy to kill to get what he wants and wont hesitate to kill for information or money. He's an assassin by trade, he kills people without a trace and does it efficiently. Whenever he gets the chance though, he does enjoy riling up and playing with his victim.

Dean is a very persuasive person however, he knows how to put on a charming smile and how to show he cares, and he's very convincing. He wears a smile and acts friendly, most people he knows would defend him if anyone ever said bad things about him.
He can seemingly turn emotions on and off like a switch, he has many years of practice with playing pretend.
He works as a teacher as a front because it's a position of automatic trust.


Dean was born and raised in the state of Texas. He was the baby of the family and had loving parents and older siblings that often teased him. As he grew older, old enough to do chores anyway he helped with the animals in the farm they lived in. He managed through school well, however in the early years of highschool he started having strange and violent thoughts. He'd see someone he didn't like, someone being stupid and want to hurt them. This seemed normal to him. He met his first girlfriend at the age of 17, she liked him and he went along with the whole idea really. He graduated from highschool with good, high grades. He applied for college and got in.
He was around the age of 19 when he first seriously injured someone. He hadn't killed them but he felt power, he felt excitement. He had finally unloaded those twisted thoughts and ideas and it felt good. He kept it well hidden, the victim never got a good view of him and there were no witnesses.

He had killed several people untill he was caught at the age of 27. The discovery of him being a serial killer not only ended his relationship with his girlfriend but also many friendships.
While in prison he worked on a way of escaping and after a while he succeded. He made a new identity. He ran away to Britain, Scotland, and became Dean Watson the 31 year old CDT Teacher. He lived many years in safety continuing his violent actions he was often hired to do.

A few years later someone had hired him to kill a Drake McKenzie and he accepted the job. Drake was more of a challenge than he had expected and Drake fought back. Dean turned it into a sort of game or competition.
Drake wasn't only a challenge but he would kill Dean if he had to. While Dean was out and about to attack, Drake had managed to knock him out and kidnap him. He was kept in a large, empty location and tortured. Drake had managed to find Deans fear of water and use it against him, continuously dunking his head in water. He'd also whip Deans back until he was screaming in agony. He let Dean survive.
A year or so after this had happened Dean intended to get back at him, hitting him with a car. He had hoped it'd kill him but he had people around to help and he survived. Drake was left with a limp.
At the age of 38 he met his second girlfriend, Seliena. At first he found her irritating and annoying but as he spent more time with her he found himself falling in love. 38 was the age he also took in an orphaned child, Jay.
At the age of 39 a young man by the name of Evan Veiner had recognised Dean. Dean saw this as a threat, thinking he recognised him as serial killer Jonathan Appleby. He decided to prevent anything from happening by killing Evan. However that didn't work and Evan managed to escape, calling the police and getting Dean caught. He was imprisoned for life.


  • Speaks in an American southern accent. It's not as strong as it used to be, but occasionally it'll slip up and get stronger (when excited, really happy, really sad, etc.)
  • Was the baby of his family growing up
  • He looks more like his mother than his father
  • His family have disowned him once they found out what he’s done, and would turn him in if they ever saw him again
  • He's infertile
  • His natural hair colour is black
  • While he does very morally wrong things, he is aware of morals and knows right from wrong. He's incredibly aware of what he's doing
  • He has a fear of water and thus of drowning, he dislikes swimming and hates the ocean
  • He whittles
  • He has many scars left across his back from being captured and tortured. It still sometimes gives him pain

