Adalina Vilehaunt



1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Adalina Vilehaunt

Sex: women

Age: 28

Sexuality: bi

Personality: She is a woman with a soft heart, she hardly ever raises her voice, she is patient and reserved. When she meets new people she is always curious, smiling, attentive. She likes to serve people. One would think that her fortune would have gone to her head, but far from it. She spends her money, certainly in luxury clothes and jewelry, but also to finance many constructions in the city such as schools, hospitals, or housing. She likes to parade with her partner tauyn, Apophis, because she loves seeing the amazed gazes of the public when they see her pass by in her sublime outfits. She pays great attention to her grooming and is a very neat person.

Residence: lives in the richest part of Ceantriaya 

Occupation: Riding, take part in parades, perform on stage with Apophis

Backstory: -Not yet i have to do it-

Relationships: Apophis' partner

Drawability: Okay but credit me and show it to me before posting please