[?] Simonmon



6 years, 7 months ago


  • Andromeda
  • Andro-Masc
  • Android
  • 20? years
  • 5'6"
  • 130lbs

Doesn't that make you just want to destroy all of mankind?

Loving, generally distracted disposition. Nocturnal. Tends to be moody and hyperactive, and is a bit childish.

  • Skeletons & crosses
  • Cleaning
  • Clothing
  • Stargazing

  • Vampires
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item

  • Prince
  • Vampire-hunter
  • Housekeeper android
  • Wooden bat w/ silver nails

Andromeda's creator sought perfection in all endeavors. He was a master in his field, designing some of the most skillful androids built for combat and servantry. Therefore when he sought to dismantle Andromeda, in order to be replaced with a newer, stronger model, the android was enraged beyond reason. In a couple of moments he had beaten the human half to death; he came to his wits and fled, terrified. He lived on the run for a while, avoiding the city and travelers on main roads. He wandered through the plains and forest without a true goal until he arrived at a sprawling mansion, where he met an android called Simonmon, and his werewolf guardian, Phantom. He learned that Simonmon had also been abandoned by his owner, and feeling as though he had finally been given a purpose, decided to stay and protect the prince.

  • STR
  • DEX
  • CON
  • INT
  • WIS
  • CHA