Astral's Comments

Hello! I would be interested in adopting them! Their design looks so pretty! I can offer you art in exchange for them but I also see they are WTA so I'd like to put down my idea

I like to put them in a universe where there is god anthros between light and dark, I feel like he just a god that vibes well and is in between light and dark,
he has the power of life and gives life to everything around him. He comes off as gentle and kind natured but doesn't mind betraying the light side or dark side if there is something in an exchange. He is more different than the others, he's more stronger and is on equal level to Dark and Light God. He separates himself from them and makes things balanced between the two gods. He often doesn't like to side with either side and he is usually alone in peace. He can predict the future if he wanted too, he never was a person to release much feelings and emotions such as sadness or rage. He always wanted to be happy but it changes when he cannot separate the dark and light god from fighting...they've been at their fight for so long but he sees that he can fix it all and make them settled. 

i liked a lot your idea for him!,he's all yours ^_^

i'll send him in a second, enjoy!

I have some art examples on my page if you’re interested!

sorry for late reply!,and your art is awesome!

if nobody more offer,i'll accept your offer <3