amdisa silasi



1 year, 10 months ago


"Oh yeah? You want this book? Fight Me for it, Motherfucker."

Basic info


Jade (Tropical Rainforest #008154)

AGE 10.15 sweeps (~22 human years)
PRONOUNS she/they

primadonnaLurid (PL)


64218348_3AgWcrBkcWs8eXx.png?1716657529 Virus, Sign of the Adaptable

ABILITY Rainbow drinker

Amdisa is a rainbow drinker without the knowledge on how to stop glowing. She is constantly shining a fluorescent aura of white light around her at all the times, making her unable to see herself in mirrors or any reflective surfaces. She only ever stops glowing however in circumstances where she is unconscious or near fainting, where she will promptly flicker. Amdisa has negative connotations towards the stereotypes surrounding rainbow drinkers, such as all rainbow drinkers are expected to drink blood frequently despite herself finding blood rather distasteful and the topic as well as the action itself quite disgusting. She chooses not to consume any blood under any circumstance, though she still has natural cravings for it that she has since learned to control. Amdisa isn't sure of why she doesn't find blood as alluring as those who share her caste with her same ability, but she decides to keep her disdain for blood a secret out of embarrassment and fear of being chastised and ridculed by her peers.


saiKind(innocuos double with lipstick)

HIVE Amdisa lives in a somewhat large and spacious gothic architectural hive with plenty of large windows for sunlight to shine through.
LUSUS Vulpetetra

Amdisa's lusus is a bat with features and traits similar to those of a fox, heavily related to the largest species of bats, flying foxes. Vulpetetra always sheltered and showered Amdisa in love and assurement that she was safe as long as she was around. She has a deafening screech that's used to protect herself and Amdisa from threatening or potentially harmful prescences has only been heard by those unfortunate enough.

INTERESTS Reading, researching historical Alternian figures; Alternian history in general, sewing, designing fashion, makeup, mythology
QUIRK Amdisa speaks with proper capitlization and punctuation with the capitalization of M's in any word. She also has a tendency to use big words.

Page of Breath : One who Invites Exploitation of Breath or one who Invites Exploitation through Breath

Pages start with a deficit in their Aspect that they confidently overcome through obvious overcompensation. Their challenge is to keep at it, even if they fail and the journey is slow, for they become the strongest players.

A Page of Breath would at first act like they are totally independent people making their own choices and having their free will when really it’s obvious to others they have connections and bonds and obligations that they follow whenever they appear. They might be attached to a certain person and follow them around while acting like they just follow them because they want to. It might be that in their quest of independence they simply imitate another person’s independence, ironically making themselves dependant on that person. They are all about acting and being irresponsible and childlike and free and having fun and doing things that they want to the point where like a child, they think of themselves as independent adults, unaware of any person around them that takes on a sort of parent or guide role to them is actually controlling what they do or where they go, like an innocent kid who’s unaware of the kid leash.

They seem to float around in a cloud of indifference or uncaring to anything that they don’t want to pay attention to or understand. When a Page of Breath starts rising to their challenge they start seeing and taking their independence more seriously. They start seeing the connections that held them back that they never saw before and deciding that they don’t need to follow them if they don’t want to. They start seeing that they really only wanted to do certain things because they felt obligated to or promised to, not because they actually wanted to. They separate themselves from obligations or promises they previously thought they chose of their own free will. Instead they focus only on those things they know they chose for themselves.

They seem to float around in a cloud of indifference or uncaring to anything that they don’t want to pay attention to or understand. When a Page of Breath starts rising to their challenge they start seeing and taking their independence more seriously. They start seeing the connections that held them back that they never saw before and deciding that they don’t need to follow them if they don’t want to. They start seeing that they really only wanted to do certain things because they felt obligated to or promised to, not because they actually wanted to. They separate themselves from obligations or promises they previously thought they chose of their own free will. Instead they focus only on those things they know they chose for themselves.



  Good/neutral traits

  • studious; a book worm
  • soft-spoken; taciturn
  • well mannered and polite; couth,
  • easily embarrassed

  Bad traits

  • secretive of interests,
  • fainthearted; timid
  • conventional and uptight


  • I never properly wrote down the basis of her name, I just wrote all the ideas I had down. I'm sure her name means something but I'd have no idea. I'm much too lazy to find the origins and to even change it, but it sort of fits her so I think it'll stay as is for the time being.
  • For a jade, her fangs are actually pretty small. She's always wanted bigger fangs, so she got piercings to give the illusion she has them.
  • Amdisa is a recovering kleptomaniac.
  • She treats Kyenyx like he's younger than what he is despite the both of them practically being the same age. She finds him cute, he's one of the more interesting hires the library has had in a while.
  • Amdisa is actually infatuated with the Maryam's, more specifically Kanaya, but she finds the entire bloodline and it's history fascinating. She's certain she knows more than you.
  • Like most fictional vampires, Amdisa can't see herself in mirrors or reflective surfaces. Her illumination makes it all too difficult.
  • Some days she draws her brows on, other days she doesn't. Depends on her mood.
  • Her monroe piercing is actually fake. Her angel fangs and the piercings in her ears are real though.
  • Amdisa used to be a random fake session troll I had made alongside Raseri, Makoya, and Elimon. She was the last of the four I had made and the four of them are no longer correlated. I had randomly decided to make her one of Kyenyx's coworkers and friends because I didn't want to have to make up a new character entirely.
  • She's a fan of jello that comes in small cups.
  • She and Kyenyx had a brief red fling. They remained friends because they both found each other too cool to have just returned as just coworkers or strangers.
  • Amdisa knows how to knit. She kits little bat plushies for fun.
  • She doesn't need glasses, she just wears them because she thinks they make her look good. She stole them. She's got a bunch of different red pairs.
  • Amdisa is an oddity collecter.
  • She's such a fan of Kanaya that even her text color is the same hex code as Kanaya's.
  • One of her skirts is based off of Squigly's from Skull Girls.
  • The scent of vanilla irritates her nose, it's very sensitive.
  • She has a serious love for books, she mainly likes the historical kinds.
  • I used to draw her hair with what was supposed to resemble bat ears, but they always ended up looking like spiky little horns instead. The silhouette of her hair in general was supposed to resemble that of a bat. It was supposed to be a funny thing I had in my mind that her hair just sort of formed the way it did without the aid of any hair products or manipulation, but I could never actually decide how I ever wanted to draw the ends of her hair.
  • Her room is actually rather messy and cluttered. She'd have a cow if someone were to clean or organize her clutter.
  • Amdisa's no taller than 5"1 without her platformed shoes. Her feet are almost always covered by her skirts so she's just assumed to be taller than what she actually is.
  • She hates jeans.
  • I made sais her weapon of choice because her name has 3 of each of the letters to spell sai in it.
  • Amdisa owns a small ant farm.



Moxie (former)

Kyenyx Eleara (brief fling)








  Band - Song