


1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Nikolaj "Niko"

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: Young Adult (24)

Species: Persian/Mightyena/Espeon

Type: Dark/Psychic

Rank: Platinum

Niko is caring and protective of his siblings, wanting to keep his family safe from anything that might threaten them. In social situations, he is a SmoothTalker, confident in his social status and ability to get through any social interaction. Due to the influences of his time in Darkrai's dreamscape, Niko is eager to improve himself and seeks to be a good leader. Niko has definitely learned the benefits of responsibility over the course of his time in the Hideout, especially as he has risen in the ranks.
Niko tends to have high expectations for himself, and is judgmental of his own performance when he doesn't do as well as he had hoped. Niko is ambitious, wanting to succeed in life and become General after his father retires. Niko has learned to push past his former rudeness, knowing that he has to be civil in order to be a good leader. He is a bit of a lonely Pokémon, having a tendency to push other Pokémon away so that they can't hurt him later.
Being son of the former General hasn't always been a positive influence on Niko's personality. He's not as self important as he used to be, but due to his rank he can be demanding of others, insisting that they put in just as much effort as he has. Niko is impatient and can be somewhat aggressive towards anyone who doesn't respect his authority, although he'd never turn that aggression on his family or friends. Niko is also rather defensive of his worth, and will threaten to fight anyone older than him who insinuates that his high rank is due to some kind of parental favoritism. 

Ability: Synchronize

Move Set:


When Nikolaj was born, he had two awesome sisters, a dad, and a mom. He was born within the hideout shortly after the move to the new site, to Tseng, a Mightyena/Espeon, and Dasani, a Persian/Umbreon. He was born as a tri-fusion of Meowth, Poochyena, and Espeon. The moment he was old enough to become an official recruit, he jumped at the chance to serve the organization, and make his dad happy. Niko was very adamant and eager to prove himself. As the only son of the General himself, Niko felt a lot of pressure to perform well and not screw up, so he put a great deal of effort into being the best recruit that he could be.

At first, he had very little self-confidence, and had a tendency to project his fears and anger onto other Pokémon, leading him to lash out at others frequently. Niko never really knew what exactly was expected of him, so he became a perfectionist, always needing to do a flawless job at every task he was given. This led to him getting more and more attention from the higher ranks, pushing the young feline into more and more ambitious performances.

When his mother and sister vanished one day, it really hurt Niko, although he really didn't know how to respond. He threw himself into his work, taking on more and more small missions from the Commanders, neglecting anything related to a social life. This incredible dedication to work helped him rise from Bronze Rank to Silver, and eventually to Gold. He would occasionally get along with another Recruit, but never well enough to actually know how to interact with them outside of commander-assigned missions. He still got along well with Illyana, knowing he didn't have to prove himself to her. His sister would accept him as he is no matter how much he succeeds or fails, but he didn't trust that anyone else would act the same.

He's really started opening up recently, and has definitely lost some of the hard edges he used to have. He still has to deal with Pokémon who think he's only reached the heights he has because his Dad was the General, so he's still rather prickly, but at least there are some mons who believe that he got where he is due to hard work, grit, and determination, and not just because of Nepotism. With his father's retirement and intention to focus more on his family, Niko feels as though he has finally gotten slightly out of the spotlight. He appreciates that. 

Niko's evolution was a hard-won moment after an intense training battle with his dad. 

Equipment: [LINK]