Ana'lis Lavellan



6 years, 4 months ago


Dragon Age: Inquisition protagonist don't @ me

Straight, 26 at the start of Inquisition, depression, bpd, anxiety,


Ana'lis was born to a family strong with magic, but neither of her parents were mages. Still, given her blood it was common knowledge that she and all her siblings would come into their magic. Given that Dalish clans always put mages in charge of their clans, Ana'lis' mother raised her as a future leader, telling her to think hard about what she'd change, how she'd lead a clan, where she'd like to take her people. She got a little too deep into that mindset, thinking very critically about everything her Keeper did, and the hahrens teaching her. She got a reputation as a troublemaker, but her mother always supported her. Her oldest brother was sent away to become the First of another clan, and shortly after her mother died when she was 11, while she was waiting for the first signs of her magic to show. As she came to terms with the loss, she also came to terms with the realisation that she was never going to become a mage like her brother.

Instead, she focused her energy on becoming the next most glamorous thing - a hunter. She wasn't interested in glamour, really, but she felt that she'd failed her mother by not being a mage and was eager to make up for it. Her relationship with her father was strained, as she continued being outspoken and critical of her superiors, and he struggled to keep a handle on her reputation. He remarried eventually, and she dedicated herself completely to becoming a hunter, quickly becoming one of the best of her generation. She enjoyed it - the praise that had become rare, the sense of fulfillment, the sense that she was perhaps making her mother proud. But she wasn't the best, because of Sonna, a girl slightly older than her and far more competent. The two became rivals - though it was entirely initiated by Ana'lis, Sonna was quick to respond to the antagonism. She quickly stopped being satisfied being "one of" the best, and she was constantly trying to outdo Sonna for most of her teenage years. In her later teens, however, after all the training hunters left for an impromptu hunt in the middle of the night that went terribly wrong for the two girls, they'd formed a bond. While she still wanted to be better, and there was still a lot of tension between them, they were close friends before they knew it. Sonna helped finally initiate Ana'lis into the group of friends their age, even though she'd initially been a big ol' loner. She still never completely fit in, though. Around the same time, her father had another son, giving her a baby half-brother.

She's very scholarly, eagerly listening to the hahren's stories and spending time in every elven ruin they found. Her clan initially approved of this part of her, until she started taking it too far, even stealing books from the humans or taking information only allowed to Keepers and their Firsts. She crossed the line when she stole and read the Chant of Light, the human's religious texts, and word spread of her heresy.

When the time came for her to get vallaslin, she chose Dirthamen, to express her strong desire to uncover the secrets left behind by the ancient elves.

Gradually she became more and more outspoken with her sympathy for humans, eventually even insisting they spare a human who stumbled near their camp during the mage rebellion. She identified him correctly as a mage and interrogated him over the next few weeks, learning everything she could about the war. She was encouraged by the Keeper's First, Deshanna. However, when the human tried to escape, killing the Keeper in the process, she lost all goodwill within the clan -- except for the new Keeper Deshanna and her two closest friends, Sonna and Ivun. She was almost kicked out of the clan. Instead, since the former First was now in charge, her curiosity in the war was encouraged. She was sent to Tantervale, the nearest city, where she heard word of a Conclave. After telling the clan about it, she was asked to go. Though she was terrified, and given plenty of time to make up her mind, she knew right away that she was going to go.

Dragon Age: Inquisition:

Sides with the mages, allies with them

Romances Solas (sadface)

Has vallaslin removed

BFFs with Dorian and Josephine

Leaves Stroud in the Fade

Exiles the Wardens

Reunites Celene and Briala

Follows the rites in the Temple of Mythal, sides with the elves

Drinks from the Well of Sorrows

After the Temple of Mythal debacle, Ana'lis loses her faith in the ancient gods. Even after meeting Flemeth - she takes on Solas' perspective (that they existed, but were not gods.)

She does not successfully save her clan. They all die, including her young brother, the Keeper, her father. However, Sonna and Ivun manage to escape Wycome and survive.