
1 year, 9 months ago


mage of stardust.

trans male (he/him)

informed of an impending doom via a prophetic dream, he must take Kegth the orc with him on an epic journey to find a humanoid jackalope named Avalon, who guides them toward the dragon's eye at Avalon's Peak to save the world.

he is one of two survivors at the end of their quest.

his inquisitive nature made him an excellent prophecy seeker and dreamer.

Aeril has always been a dreamer since birth. he listens to his prophetic dreams and studied magic under the watch of Julianos, Kynareth, and Magnus. as a high elf, he was destined to become a magician, so his parents saw no issue with his inquisitive nature. he transitioned on his own with the use of spells. he has a silver tongue, often able to persuade those he wants. his mind is as open as it gets since he wants to learn everything he can and see the world. his curiousity is what allowed him to make new friends on his quest.

Battle Experience
Sword Combat
Ranged Combat
Magic Combat
Brute Strength

  • open-minded, allowing him to learn other cultures and new strategies.
  • thinks before he acts.
  • a selfless individual who often puts others before himself.
  • a fashionista!
his magical items possess most of his satchel space. divining items and a few enchanted things hide inside.

Glass Dagger of Consuming

a small glass dagger from Summerset that is used for last-minute close combat protection. it heals the owner of the dagger a bit when used. it is stored inside his side pocket.


a spellbook full of family and personal notations, written in both Nordic and Aldmeris. inclusion of some of his friends' notes are inside as well. it is stored inside of his side pocket.


he wears a navy blue jumpsuit/robe-ish outfit (imagine robin hood but blue) with white fur around the neckline and shoulders. a blue semi-cape is attached. blue boots are worn on his feet. some side pockets are belted to his waistline.


  • spellbook
  • tons of alchemy ingredients for potions
  • healing, magicka, and stamina potions
  • healing ingredients such as butterfly wings
  • scrolls
  • soul gems
  • mushrooms
he is well versed in different types of spells, though conjuration and alteration are his strong suits.

Bound Bow adept (conjuration • 207)

Casting Time
6 seconds
120 seconds
archer damage, soul trap effect

summons a bow equivalent to an ebony bow for use. uses soul trap effect when killing an enemy. magical arrows are the ammo being used.

Conjure Flame Atronach apprentice (conjuration • 150)

Casting Time
12 seconds
500 yards
60 seconds
summon, potentional fire damage (dps)

summons a flame atronach to assist the user. fires a bolt of fire that inflicts 25 points of damage. targets on fire take extra 5 points per second of damage. can leave lasting scars.

Ironflesh expert (alteration • 341)

Casting Time
5 seconds
60 seconds

adds 160 armour points (with use of rank 1 mage perk) to target/user for 60 seconds. causes target/user to turn a grey-ish color with their skin when in effect.

Chain Lightning adept (destruction • 156)

Casting Time
3 seconds
141 ft
60 seconds
40 shock damage, 20 magicka damage, moving target

summons a bolt of lightning that shocks the target and drains a bit of magicka before leaping onto a new target. leap happens instantly. can attack up to ten targets with new users; can attack up to 100 targets with experienced users/extra perks. can disintegrate targets with DISENTIGRATE perk. leaves permanent lightning scars on spot of impact (usually abdomen/appendages).

Magelight apprentice (alteration • 84)

Casting Time
3 seconds
100 yards
60 seconds

for 60 seconds, a ball of magic follows the user to provide light. is usually used to light up a dark space when there are no torches available.

from royalty to a quaint elf village to a murderous dragon den; this elf has seen it all.


Aeril was born in Summerset. from an early age, he was interested in everything. he still remembers the beautiful red-leaved trees and sparkly shorelines of Summerset before his family moved to Skyrim when he was four. his father paid some bretons and orcs to build their home outside of Solitude on the shoreline. as he grew up, he'd hear voices and see figures in his dreams, in which he'd dreamwalk and interact with the people. the pull toward adventure forced him to break the main rule his parents implemented: going into Solitude alone. a figure he'd begin to know as Julianos pointed him to the direction of the jarl's stead. there, he met the court wizard of Solitude, Sybille Stentor, in which he immediately hits it off with her. at the age of eight, he began to meet with her in secret against his parents' back to learn new magic (lots of conjuration and destruction). his parents eventually find out when he's thirteen and have him removed. by then, he has learned that he is not meant for his body and wants to remedy himself to become a man. thus begins his private research into gender-affirming care. Two new consistent figures, Magus and Kynareth, talked to him about many things, more specifically future events.


Aeril picks a new name for himself while udner studies and begins to use it when he travels to Solitude. he visits neighboring farms and even the East Empire Company headquarters to snoop around and familiarize himself with his name. at the age of fifteen, during a particularly annoying magic session with his parents, he makes an offhand remark about his body while using an alteration spell. his mother catches on a presses for answers, getting a half-hearted confession from Aeril. he claimed that Magus told him what he should do about his feelings. she is surprisingly supportive, though doesn't really do much about it and turns him around to continue training. at eighteen, his parents send him off to a small elf village toward Falkreath to be on his own and learn in solitude. they promised they'd support him in all ways if the going got tough and even furnished his home for him. he packed his belongings and set off on a carriage ride to Falkreath, his parents waving in sadness. When he got to his home, he settles in and immediately goes out to the forest to search for answers. Kynareth guides him to three standing stones next to some stairs. he seeks out the mage stone and closes his eyes, gaining the blessing of the stone. suddenly, all three figures appear as a spirit of sorts, in which Magus puts his hand on Aeril's head and claims, "a burden you will bear, new faces you will meet, to save your home, a creature you must defeat. a mountainous uphill battle, filled with new experiences and hurt, but equally filled with hope and love." Julianos comes forward and sets a circlet of magic onto Aeril's head and exclaims, "you shall wear this until your time comes to start your journey." the apparitions disappear, leaving Aeril to stumble his way back home through Riverwood. he settles back into his home once more, though very cautious of what was to come.


living in semi-solitude, Aeril intensely studies alteration, conjuration, and some destruction to brush up on his learnings from Sybille. he journaled all his findings and updated his spellbook with the words, rune shape and colors, and extra summoning information needed. he also documented his findings from books for creatures small and large. other high elves, dark elves, and wood elves lived in the small village and always struck conversation with Aeril. this made him learn to become a good speaker and would persuade the others for daily activities and information. however, the lull of day-to-day living started to bore Aeril. where was this prophecy and adventure promised to him? he hadn't heard from the figures, which he now knew where gods that high elves worshipped, for a couple of years now. at the age of twenty (current), he was gathering fresh vegetation from the woods when he spotted a dropped book on one of the many pathways that led to Falkreath. curious, he opened it to reveal a spellbook written in very basic Nordic. he decided to bring it with him. a few weeks later, he began to head out when he stopped at his door. he saw an orc picking up the spellbook off his porch and thumbing through it cautiously. of course Aeril was intrigued, so he carefully said, "you're far from home, aren't you?" this sparked a week-long stay-cation for the orc. his name was Kegth and he happened to be escaping from home. Aeril agreed to take him in and give him basic necessities while accomadating to the orc's tailoring and hygiene. after the week passed, Aeril was sitting upstairs in a chair alone when Magus appeared in front of him. "your time has come. a new element has joined you. teach this one what you know and he will be a valuable asset." Aeril nodded and proceeded to go downstairs and convince Kegth to join the new quest.


the journey was a hard one, full of twists and turns. a quarter up the mountain, the pair fought against an advancing centaur. at the end of the fight, Kegth mastered the firebolt spell, blasting the centaur back. surprised, the centaur began to laugh, refreshed from a fight that was finally hard. his name was Pirades, a well seasoned warrior. he joins their quest. not too long later, a curious argonian named Kassan revealed herself to the crew, having followed them up the mountain with interest. she was also a magic user, having used invisibility to sneak up. she admitted that she was looking for adventure and wanted to join. after lots of consideration, the crew figured that the more, the merrier, and let her officially join them. Aeril takes on both Kegth and the argonian, named Kassan, as apprentices of his magic. their few day stint up the mountain offered great impromptu magic lessons while Pirades would hunt for them. after several difficult battles and Kegth almost losing his head, they made it to the peak.


at the top, a small shrine was visible. per say the myth, Aeril set a rare carrot on the platter. a jackalope appeared out of thin air. "I am Avalon," the creature explained. "what brings you mortals here?" Aeril explained his own situation about his town. the mythical creature nodded, bringing a vial out of thin air. "this contains a special type of dragon's blood, curated to destroy the very creature it comes from. infuse this with a weapon strong enough to pierce the hardened skin of a dragon and you shall see it dead." the gang grabbed the vial, running back down as fast as possible.


as the group approached Aeril's town, their emotional high plummeted to the ground as the view came in front of them. orcs had invaded the town, clashing against the elves. the group threw themselves into battle, defeating/killing their opponents and saving many lives. Aeril summoned a flame atronach and displayed his magical talent by using chain lightning to force orcs to the ground. he turned to see Kassan fall, a huge gash wound in her chest. a huge orc taking his sword out of her. a gasp emitted from Kegth and he sparred against an orc warrior. he was losing desperately when the warrior focused on Aeril. the orc warrior tackled Aeril to the ground and raised his sword to end Aeril. blinded by his rage, Kegth got in the way, being pierced by the sword himself. Kegth used the remainder of his strength to cast a fire cloak, severely burning both of the orcs, killing both. Aeril was able to escape the range in time. he began grieving for his friend, wishing that Kegth hadn't sacrificed himself. in a fit of fury, he summoned a frost cloak that froze every orc in his vicinity to death. Pirades barely escaped.


Aeril's home managed to make it out okay. he casted several restoration spells to help the injured, draining himself of energy. he stumbled back to his home where he gave his living room couch to Pirades to sleep on. he barely had any energy to stand before he hit his bed and fell asleep. he began to dreamwalk, where the three gods approached him. Magus closed his eyes. "your orc friend refuses to leave your side. he will remain loyal to you." Aeril turns to see Kegth's spirit. awakening, Kegth is awkwardly standing at the side of his room. Aeril is overwhelmed with joy but steels himself; they have a quest to finish. Kegth became a spiritual advisor for Aeril, helping guide his friend through the heartbreak of his town and the deaths, eventually coming to the dragon's lair. Aeril valiantly raised the blade and pierced the dragon's hide, killing it and saving his town. Aeril and Pirades make it back home and are greeted as heroes once more. Aeril deeply misses and respects his fallen adversaries, wishing a different outcome could've happened. Kynareth visits him right before he falls asleep, telling him that there will be more adventure, but for now, he may rest and continue his studies. he watches his two remaining friends. Aeril decides to bury his fallen friends' bodies in a tomb inside his basement. Pirades parts ways with him.

high elves do not usually extend their social circle outside of other elves. Aeril is an outlier. WORK IN PROGRESS. COMING BACK TO THIS AT LATER DATE.


close friends

"new loincloths... for me?"

Aeril and Kegth become quick friends despite the situation they found each other in. they are emotionally dependent on one another, both being outcasts.

Kegth sacrificed himself because he felt like it was his duty to protect his friends. guiding them to the dragon to finish the quest was nothing but duty... right? he doesn't know how to love and especially doesn't know how he truly feels about Aeril. what he does know, however, is that they won't forget each other for a long time.


friendly rivals

"what are you doing this time?"

they didn't like each other at the start, but both grew on one another. Kegth only agreed to have him because Aeril wanted him. they brought each other's jokester personalities out and often had friendly competitions for everything.


"you're lucky that Aeril wanted you here."

Kassan reminds him of an annoying younger sister that he had in the orc nursery. her natural curiosity gets them into plenty of trouble, but they bond a lot over interest in magic. Aeril takes her as a pupil on the journey as well.


"I will never be scum like you."

nothing but pure hatred runs through Kegth's mind when he thinks or even sees his father. the orc died from his hands, an outcome that Kegth mostly doesn't regret; he is mostly upset that Yerug managed to take one of his friends down with them.

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