


6 years, 4 months ago


☀ Ison Icarus | Main Fursona | he/him ☀

⇾  art and design information

ISON is partially based on the comet ISON (C/2012 S1), which burned up upon passing the sun. He can be drawn with wings, either black or white, and is often portrayed in space. He has a tattoo on his left hip, three rings on his left ear, and two snakebite piercings that are all not optional. He also has a sun pendant and solar system nose ring, which are optional and are allowed to be simplified (ex. the planets on the nose ring can be single colored or not accurately sized, etc). His hair is also not optional and is fairly large, almost like a mohawk but not the exact same. If you draw him, whether for a trade or commission or anything, please only use his updated 2020 reference sheet and images!! He does have an old design but I only keep it uploaded for nostalgia. 

⇾  personality and background

Ison does not have a concrete backstory but is extremely closely associated with space and the comet he is named for, as well as the mythology of Icarus. When he gets emotional, whether positive or negative, his tail and wings (if they are present) begin to drip like they are melting. He can breathe out a smoky substance at will, and will often do so when upset, sometimes even being accompanied by some sort of molten hot liquid when he's really feeling bad. Ison's exact age and origin aren't known, but he is assumed to be in his 20s and is definitely an adult. He is at least partly a husky/malamute.