Ragna Omen



1 year, 9 months ago


Ragna Omen
"The forgotten"

Age 26
Gender Female
Orientation unlabeled
Species False Entity
Job Being Maw's personal mutt girl & Neather's unoffical rival
Alignment Pitful Evil
"sins" Prideful Envy
main color blue


  • Gore, mascosadism, Maws
  • Fame and attention
  • Blue, black & demons
  • Neather & Infernall
  • Her father
  • Strong hatered for The devv family for ruining her life (she ruined it herself but ego issues

  • "The devil will speak the truths before God does because the devil knows all". Ragna grew up with only her father who worked as a priest in her life while being the most absent being yet. Nobody knows who her mother or other family could be because her father refused to admit who it was and always denied or faked dna tests in the early days. Ragna was kept hidden to avoid any predator claims towards her father since she was born. As a child Ragna began to suffer from early stages of illness and eps of pariona when wondering the halls under the church her father kept her at. The halls were alledgy the location where they hid all refences to demons that were placed onto the churchs property. Ragna till her teens held back opening any of the books or looking into the items as a result of "fearing god's judgement" till she finally realized the reality of her life. Ragna's father stashed her away just like these books because she wasn't "holy". This would slowly begin to hit her with the reality that she probably was the offspring of an unnamed minor hence why she was locked up. She spent her time until becoming 19 looking into the demons her father spoke of within the texts, and slowly began to swim within the stories of powerful beasts worshiped by many and rebelling agaisnt a usefuless being made to envoke fear into his sheep herd. By 19 she ran away with the up coming star Infernall Devv, by forging letters pretending to be his biggest fangirl since his indie days. Nobody knows how she did all this but it worked Infernall a couple months later would announce their relationship as Ragna changed her entire apperance. The once shy girl become a lickstick demon looking being and adored the name Ragna Omen now. Ragna during her time with Infernall was like two dogs, one who was clearly agressive and the other who was passive but never fought back. Infernall would endure abuse from Ragna trying to force him into bdsm, a new fetish she found a sick obession for, when he was out on tour and she "missed him so much she needed a placeholder for them to bond over" Ragna would confess to sleeping with the hollywood star Maws, whenever Infernall refused to play along in her bdsm fantasies. After 6 years of being together Infernall would break up with her, leaving Ragna as the laughing stock on social media when she opened his story to view a "we broke up" with a new girl whom she learnt was Daliah. Left with nothing but hatered and emberassment she went like a lost puppy to Maws who welcomed back her wittle puppy after seeing the news of Infernall break up with her, Maws would push Ragna to unleashing her anger onto her when they did the act, as Maws was a giant mascohist when it came to Ragna's fury, whom she always try to enignt when mentioning her own ex Neather, whom also refused to play into her fantasies. The 2 ill women would find comfort and obession in each other for this fantasy feeding into a toxic game of using it to attract others to harass the Devv family such as the unknown rockstar she was egging on while gaining info about the star's predatory and incestious lifestyle all so he would go out of his way to sue Infernall over an album having a star in the logo by Ragna promising to be his little whore.
  • Ragna when she wasn't topping Maws, began to feel an odd feeling whenever she looked at pictures of Maw's ex Neather. She found it odd how Maw's liked her when she wasn't anything Maw would seem to like till she once overheard Maw's talking about her over the phone to someone. Ragna would learn, of Maw's favorite type being dog girls who hatered in their hearts, long fangs, claws and most importantly powerful rages that could be unleashed onto her. Ragna felt a redness hit her when she heard this till it faded once she heard Maws say "oh I wish ragna was just like neather, but sadly she a false entity haha, I would imagaine the two together would be vile but Neather would always come out on top haha". Ragna once inflated ego popped like a balloon hearing she was nothing but a scuny knock off compared to this Neather person. Ragna would begin to search and stalk into her unpon finally finding a location she would be at to finally meet her rival in person after pretending to be a package devlivery driver. Upon doing so she was greeted with the self proclaimed wine milf, Neather Devv. The sister of Infernall Devv who played "the devil". Neather sitting there with her back to Ragna holding the infamous wine glass, stained with black lipstick and a deep crimson red. Ragna stood with a slight fear stance as she appoarched with the alledge package, holding a gas bomb in hopes of stabbing the devil that plagued her mind. Neather would wait till Ragna was close enough to start talking and leaving Ragna learning about thoses same words her father always warned her about.
Design Facts;

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Against the Current

Abuse me
Poor Stacy

You're Going Down
Sick Puppies

The Devil in I


code by jiko