Dragonstar (WIP)



1 year, 10 months ago


Name Dragonstar

Former Names Dragon

Gender Tom (He/him)

Orientation Pansexual

Parents Elk (Guardian)
Cracker (Guardian)
Firework (Guardian)

Mate Spiderweb

Kits Ivoryfeather (Kit)
Thornscratch (Son)

Mentors Himself
Elk, Cracker, Firework

Apprentice Lotusflower

Rank Leader

Residence Shadowclan

Theme TBD


Dragonstar is a large, burly, navy blue tom with dark tufted ears, a dark splotchy mask, and a dark splotchy rump and tail. He has light splotchy paws, a light splotchy tail tip, and a light muzzle, mane, and belly. He has one cream paw, blue eyes, and is covered in scars. He is large in size and thick in build, with muscles underneath his fluffy pelt.

Design notes
  • Medium-furred
  • Downy fur
  • Ear tufts are sideways and point down
  • Mane is fluffy, flowy, and spiky

Dragonstar is a reserved, reticent, and methodical tom who's first priority is making sure his clan is functioning as expected. He's efficient, productive, and very attentive to the routine of Shadowclan and the needs of his clanmates, and would go to any lengths within good moral judgment to insure that his clan is safe and well. He's a good cat to rely on to keep things on track in the least messy way possible, and he has the ability to develop a good rapport between parties with his incredibly calm and smooth demeanor. However, in the situation where he is unable to keep the peace among others, he has no problem putting his paw down with stern words or violence when needed. Along with this, he only goes as far as necessary, as he prefers things to flow as smoothly as it can get. As his focus is solely on his clan, he tends to forget to think of his own feelings, making him a stoic and unemotive cat as a result and leaving him hollow inside. Though, he tries his best to get by and loves his clan dearly, and is no doubt a trustworthy cat to turn to in need.

  • Codaflight
  • Comfortable silence
  • Shadowclan + his kits
  • Peace and harmony
  • Spiders and fireflies
  • Being alone
  • Disorderly arguments
  • Shadowclans misfortune
  • Chaos
  • Predators


Herb Knowledge

Faith in starclan

Dragonstar, as far as he knew, has always been alone. One day he opened his eyes, and no one was there to greet him. No family, no friends, and no parents. Being an orphaned kitten, Dragon was left to survive the wilderness completely alone, unnamed and confused on how to care for his little body. He had quickly learned the hard way that the big wide world wasn't so kind to small defenseless kittens like him, and he encountered many bad run-ins with predators such as dogs, foxes, badgers, and rogues who didn't even give him a passing glance if they didn't face him with violence first. Beat up time and time again, Dragon was so scarred up before he even hit the 6-moon mark, and all traces of kithood joy and innocence were wiped away in favor of survival tactics. He had learned to fight his way for survival, and for a while this was the only life he knew; cruelty and loneliness in a rough world of survival of the fittest.

Things changed when Dragon came across three peculiar rogues. Three cats named Elk, Cracker, and Firework; a throuple that treated him different than the rest. Instead of the violence or dismissal Dragon had gotten used to at that point, the rogues treated him with kindness and respect. They looked to him as another fellow rogue in need of assistance, and since he was one so young, the throuple decided to take him in as their ward.

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  • Has never cried once, even when there were moments where he wanted to. He doesn't get that relief until he's reunited with Codaflight in Starclan.
  • His love for spiders came from his mate, Spiderweb, who'd raise them for cobwebs and treated them with care.
  • Often likes to confide in puddles. He'd stare at his reflection and ponder for a bit.
  • His pelt, ears, and tail are quite heavy and it annoys him.

Best Friend/Deputy

Codaflight is Dragonstar's best friend and his first deputy. Having met when they were apprentices, they always had an odd but warm connection, with their initial curiosity of eachother eventually growing into fondness as they became warriors. Dragonstar is eternally appreciative for all the kindness and encouragement his dear friend shown him when he didn't believe in himself, and was glad to have him stand by his side as his deputy before his passing.




code by jiko