Freddie's Comments

Hi, I'd love to be considered for her! I'd love to use her in my Dream Worlds story. It's a story revolving around people who go to sleep (the dreamers) and involuntarily create worlds that reflect their inner desires, thoughts, feelings or fears. I think that this character would make a good younger sister for my character Miriam. I'm not entirely too sure on what I would name her yet, but I was thinking either Anne or Winifred, with her nickname being "Fred". She would be 25-years-old. She's a shy and somewhat awkward young woman that usually keeps to herself. She has difficulties with speaking to other people. From a young age, she was often picked on, so she's struggled with low self-esteem since then. Although Anne and Miriam do love each other, they struggle to connect with each other. When she was growing up, her family would sometimes do or say things that implied that Anne was somehow inferior to Miriam.

She really likes bugs and plants. She attended community college in her early 20s but ended up dropping out. She'd really like to go back to school and study either botany or entomology. Currently, she works as a clerk at a convenience store.

Edit: Thank you so much! =D