✧ Checkers ✧



1 year, 8 months ago



10 (DY)

Female (she/her)




  • Vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo.
  • At consectetur lorem donec massa sapien. Justo nec ultrice.
  • Risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis.
  • In hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque.

Design Notes

  • She never takes off her bandanna (it can be around her neck,arm,wrist/ankle,horn,tail,and head)
  • Her eyes are always hooded
  • She has spikes along her back that fade into her sail again
  • Average hight with an overall average build


Checkers was born in Clairvoyance (a large city inside a canyon from an RP server of mine, but she lived on the rim of the canyon) with her Mom (nightwing) and Dad (sandwing) their really toxic parents, stinky D:<, and her brother (which she loved very much and was the nicest to her)

She lived in Clairvoyance until she was 8 when a tragic fire burned down her house with her parents and brother inside (she didn't have many neighbors and the houses at the rim of the canyon are spread out unlike the tightly knit ones in the canyon) Checkers was supposedly out shopping at the time

thankfully the fire was put out but they found her two parents and brother dead (I would go into more detail but yk) she went to an orphanage after that and lived there for two years before she was sent to JMA.


Checkers is quiet, kind-of, she just doesn't say long sentences often. She looks happy or bored but you really can't tell most of the time because she's good at hiding her emotions and keeping her cool. She likes to be around people even though she might not show it and she's overall pretty chill and laid back. She has trust issues though but tries to keep her confidence when talking to dragons. She's brave and bold when it comes to difficult situations and tends to stand up for herself and dragons she likes.