Izumi Tori



1 year, 9 months ago




[ About ]


Izumi has raven black hair that cascades down to her back. A single white streak shines through, growing over her soft fair white face. Her eyes are the shape and color of almonds and her lashes make them look all the more elegant. Her gold earrings are in the shape of crescent moons, although the one on the right has a chain that connects to a cuff hugging her ear. Another accessory on her is her gold chain opal necklace where the gem itself is shaped into small beads. Rarely does she wear heavy makeup; the most she ever puts on is black matte lipstick or a light pink gloss. She wears a white shirt that's decorated in black polka-dots and styled with a heart-shape collar sewn together by a small bow. Her sleeves puff around her elbows and on her wrist is a similarly white scrunchie hair tie. With this, she wears light blue wash jeans and a pair of porcelain white sneakers.

On December 29th, Izumi was born in Ithaca, New York. Unfortunately, Izumi's mother was still a teenager when she had her. She refused to recognize Izumi as her daughter and left her in the hands of her father, Izumi's grandfather, Natsuo Tori. He was hesitant at first, but after making the executive decision to move out of the city, Natsuo filled the parental role Izumi needed. He supported her with every step she took in life, strengthening their familial bond. As Izumi explored her new home, she found a love for all aspects of fashion and the creation of clothing. She focused solely on crafting new garments from scratch, which never looked or fit quite right when she first started. But of course practice makes perfect and by the time Izumi was in high-school, she created the majority of her wardrobe by hand. Throughout her high school years, Izumi was a social butterfly and easily made large friend groups with all sorts of personalities she enjoyed interacting with.

During junior year is when she met Alan, an exchange student who was clearly struggling to understand social cues. After spending the year with him and getting to know him, she became fond of him. They began dating the summer before senior year and things were going well for a while. However, the day before winter break is when Izumi found out she was pregnant. For the majority of the break, she was having panic attacks with every pregnancy symptom she experienced. The constant calls and texts of concern she was receiving from her friends, and Alan, wasn't helping, so she shut off her phone for the rest of the break. Despite cutting off her friends, Natsuo was more than happy to help her through her panic attacks and bring her to the appointments she needed for that winter break. As a gift, he got her a blue love bird that was soon named Nimbus. Coming back to school was tough, but she approached Alan first and explained that he should expect to be a father sometime during the summer. Her daughter, Leona, was born on August 18th, the summer before her freshman year of college.

[ Personality ]


  • Peacocks
  • Outfit design
  • Pastel colors


  • Dogs
  • Loose threads
  • Beeping cars


Izumi has a welcoming presence, greeting most people with a soft smile and knowing nod. She's very open minded and is always willing to lend a listening ear or be a shoulder to cry on if needed. She's also free spirited and enjoys venturing out to see new places with friends. Being as extroverted as she is also has drawbacks, however. She's unable to handle stress well, occasionally spiraling into a panic where she's unable to express herself properly and tries to self-isolate. She comes around after some time though, coming back a little bit stronger than before.

[ Basics ]

AGE 25
RACE Japanese/American

[ Story & Trivia ]

[DREAMY AU] Izumi was able to graduate college with a business degree, which led to her opening up her own crafts and tailoring shop. With a few weeks of advertising and friends commissioning her, the shop brought in all sorts of customers and it soon led to the business becoming successful quickly. Ayelet, who was a regular to this shop, often brought in outfits or dresses that could never fit her petite frame in a flattering manner. Izumi was more than happy to adjust what was quite literally Ayelet's entire wardrobe. In the time that it took to adjust everything, Izumi always invited Ayelet to spend time with her while she worked on her pieces. Spending this much time together brought them closer, and between each appointment, Izumi would bring Ayelet out to restaurants or over to her own home to meet Leona. Izumi fell for Ayelet fairly quickly, and when Ayelet became aware of her feelings, she was more than happy to agree to dating, and then later on, marrying Izumi.

  • Izumi has a blue love bird named Nimbus!
  • During high school, Izumi cut her hair into a neat bob in order to avoid looking too much like her mother. After this phase, however, she grew it back out and learned to love her hair.
  • She absolutely loves romance movies with all that lovey-dovey action. She can't get enough of it and even she doesn't know why.

[ Relationships ]



Ayelet is Izumi's wife. Ayelet already had 3 other children from a relationship that will remain exclusively secret, but she welcomed Izumi and Leona into her family with open arms. Izumi always found Ayelet absolutely breathtaking and her intelligence always amazed her. The both of them find comfort knowing they are appreciated for their skill and beauty alike, making their relationship all the more radiant.



Alan is Izumi's ex boyfriend, but they were both able to mend their relationship and become close friends again. Izumi appreciates Alan's dedication to being Leona's father and acknowledges his efforts at being a good parent overall. They're a team dedicated to raising not only Leona, but also each other's families.



Natsuo is Izumi's grandfather. He's been the ultimate caregiver for her whole life and she couldn't have asked for a better person to fill that role for her. He's the big contributor to her free spirit personality, as he was the one to show her the difference between fear and caution. He also absolutely adores all the grandchildren and loves to show them as much love as he showed Izumi.